4 :: under the water

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| Tiara's point of view

As you entered the dimly lit room, your eyes instantly fell on the tattoo chair that was placed in the middle of the room, a large lamp hanging above it. You then saw a drawer with all the tools, ink and needles neatly organized, the picture of those needles piercing your skin making you get goosebumps.

"Will it hurt?" you squeezed your eyes shut, the fear of getting an inked needle pierce your skin making you nauseous.

"The area you chose is one of the most sensitive parts of the human body, so not going to lie, it will hurt slightly," the handsome tattoo artist replied while preparing the needed tools.

"The area I chose? I didn't choose anything-" before you could protest and ask him to tattoo it somewhere else, Jungkook cut you off, his hand finding yours.

"It's okay, the tattoo is a tiny one and you won't even notice when it's done," he gave your hand a reassuring squeeze, the action sending you a sudden rush of bravery.

"Let's do it then!" you smiled, an unsure look plastered on your face, but you knew that if you didn't do it now, you would never have the courage to come back and do it.


a/n| when it says 'jungkook', it doesn't mean that tiara knows his name, i'm just tired of calling him 'stranger' :))


Indeed, the pain you felt during the tattooing process wasn't one of the best feelings in the world, but somehow Jungkook being there and watching you with a fond look made you feel all giggly and content. Or maybe it was the alcohol that made you lose connection with your pain sensors.

However, one hour later, you found yourself wrapped around his well built body like a clingy koala, the slight discomfort coming from the tattooed area being your last concern.

"Are you happy about this?" he smiled, his arms secured tightly around your body while he carried you bridal style towards what seemed a big quiet mansion.

You looked up at him, motioning him to speak further as you didn't quite understand if he was referring to your first tattoo or your thoughts about him and you together. "About my tattoo?"

He nodded his head before he fished out of his pocket a gray card which he unlocked the door to the mansion with.

"I am," you shortly answered before tugging at his shirt's collar, making him lean down. "I wouldn't have had the courage to do it on my own, you know?" you softly smiled before pecking his slightly open mouth.

"I hope you'll start actually living and enjoying your life, angel, you're here for way more than just to exist," as he let these words out, something in you clicked, as if he had just opened your eyes and forced you to face the reality.

Truth to be told, your whole life was just a basic routine that everyone in your family followed. No one did nothing out of the ordinary, no one tried to apply for another job that was outside of the medicine world. No one ever went against their parents' will. You and your sister were always the nice quiet girls who always studied and made their parents proud. Everyone around you thought your entire life was melted sugar, but for you it was just plain sour.

And hearing him say that made you realize that if it weren't for a hot man and some toxicity in your veins, you wouldn't have even entered that shop, left alone getting a tattoo. 

Heck, you would've continued letting your boss use you out of the fear that he might ruin your entire career. But now, something in you has changed. Something in the way you saw your life changed.

"I hope I will," a devilish smile made its way on your lips before you locked your arms around his neck, your lips brushing softly against his. You definitely caught him off guard, making him lessen his grip on you, the perfect moment to land back on your feet. "And I also hope you'll teach me how to," and with that you pressed yourself against him, your lips crashing onto his.

He smiled through the kiss, loving this confident side of you. "Up, now," he uttered lowly, his giant hands cupping your butt, motioning you to wrap your legs around his waist. And you didn't hesitate one bit.

The kiss was desperate, hungry and passionate. The way his tongue traveled along your lower lip built a new weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, making you grow addicted to his touch.

Being way too lost into the heated makeout session, you haven't even taken notice of your surroundings, Jungkook's legs carrying you both into a bigger and better lit room.

"Where are-?" you pulled away, your lips being a few breaths away from him. "Woah," you gasped, not believing the stunning beauty that surrounded the both of you.

Your eyes roamed around the spacious room, an immense swimming pool occupying the biggest part of the floor. But what was even more fascinating was the see-through roof. The moon along with the numerous stars created a dazzling atmosphere, and the man next to you was simply the cherry on the top to the beautiful night.

"I love this place, even if I don't get to spend much time here," he commented in a husky tone, his voice sending shivers down your spine.

"Why not? If I lived here, I wouldn't even leave this place," you joked, gazing back into his galaxy-like eyes.

"Work.." he sighed, not wanting to talk about that part of his life right now. "But now I'm here, with the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on and I couldn't be more grateful for that," he smirked, his lips planting a long kiss on yours, leaving behind a sweet sensation that made you never want to pull away from him.

"You're such a flirt," you playfully hit his chest, but Jungkook could not let this opportunity slip away from him so he did what you weren't prepared at all for.

He tightened his grip on you and fell into the water. Together with you.

A loud splash echoed throughout the room, followed by your desperate screaming.

"Oh my god!" you screeched, your arms quickly locking around his neck, the fear of drowning flooding my mind.

"Shh, angel, it's alright," he smiled, trying his best not to burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" you scoffed, not believing he found this situation amusing. "We could've died!"

"Not as long as I'm with you," he gazed deeply into your eyes before his eyes wandered down to your lips. "Those illegal lips of yours are driving me to the edge, you know that?" he mumbled, softly grazing your lower lip with his teeth. "But I love this feeling," as he whispered these words into your ear, he connected your lips into a sweet kiss, you both disappearing under the water.


a/n :: hiii guys !!:)) it's been months since i've written something for you and i'm sooo sorry for making y'all wait for this long. i initially wanted to quit writing for good, but i still wanna finish this story 🤧❤️
don't hesitate to leave comments with your opinions on this story bc it motivates me a lot !!🥺🥺💝 (and reading your comments also makes me really happy hehe😌)

also, the updates won't be very fast bc it takes me some good hours to write a chapter😔 (that's when i actually have an idea for the chapter) but when i have writersblock things are bad BAD 😫🥴

but i'll try my best for you 🥺💝💝

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