30 :: not the whole truth

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You felt your arm being pulled, a loud cry echoing in your ears. It felt familiar, but you couldn't pinpoint whose voice it was that almost crashed your eardrums.

Someone tried grabbing your hand, but it was clasped tightly around a cold metal bar. Your vision was blurry and the noise you were hearing was becoming louder and louder until the sound of snapping fingers woke you up from your trance.

"My gosh I thought I'll need to give you some smelling salts." your eyes instantly focused on the person who had been trying so hard to get you out of your trance. Mara.

You, then, realized the state you were in. Tightly holding onto the bars of a hospital bed, as if your hands had numbed around the bars.

Wait a minute. Whose bed was it?

Your eyes shifted back to Mara, the lost expression on your face telling her you didn't remember one thing.

"You were brought into ER, together with Demian." when the latter name rolled off her tongue, you felt your heart skip a beat.

Was he.. a hallucination? Did you not meet Jungkook this night?

"Only him?" you couldn't help but ask, a stinging pain tugging at your heart. This empty feeling settling in the pit of your stomach made you feel nervous, anxious even.

"Yeah, a man brought you two here. He said he witnessed the car you were both in losing control and crashing into a fence, or a tree, I don't remember," she went with her hand through her hair, feeling frustrated with everything that had happened. "My heart almost stopped when I saw you uncoscious, Tiara,"

A man? What man? Could that be Jungkook?

"Where is that man? I need to see him," you abruptly stood up, your vision turning black for a few seconds.

"What you need right now is to rest," Mara spoke with a strict yet worried tone, a question not leaving her mind no matter how hard she tried to push it away.

"What were you doing with Demian?"

You looked straight into her eyes, the memory of falling into Demian's embrace feeling helpless and numbed clouding your mind. You didn't know if you should tell her or lie about it.

Counting the times you tried standing up for yourself, you realized that you only made it worse. You became a burden for Kim Taehyung right on his first day of work, Demian tried to get his revenge on you by getting you drugged or drunk or whatever made you feel so numb that night.

Your mind went blank.

Demian drugged you. What for?

What was he planning to do with you?

What would've happened if the accident hadn't occured?

Jungkook. He must have done something to save you.


Or was it the drug's effect? That made you hallucinate.

Pushing the thought of a hallucination away, you brushed past a revolting Mara, heading to the hallway in hopes of finding the man that brought you there.

Secretly hoping it was him.

Walking down the hallway, you went to the front office, your legs still numb from the previous blackout. "Where is the man that brought me and Doctor Demian here?" you asked your colleague, her eyes scanning you from head to toe.

"Shouldn't you be laying in your bed, miss Tiara?" Ruby asked, stopping herself from sending you in your hospital room.

"I need to know who and where is that man." you sighed, feeling exasperated.

"He just had a talk with the police, he was all distressed as if he was the one who got into that accident, not you," she rolled her eyes, her eyes fixing onto the glass doors of the hospitals.

Following her gaze, your eyes fell upon a man who stood in front of the hospital doors, preparing, probably, to leave.

Noticing the way Ruby looked at him, he was the man that brought you here.

"So this is him," you whispered before quickly making your way out of the hospital, your steps taking you to the man who was making his way towards his car.

"Hey!" you called out to him, making him stop in his tracks. Though, he didn't stop for long as he continued his steps in a much faster way.

"Hey sir?" you followed his pace, not giving up on receiving an answer.
"I am talking to you," you managed to grab his arm, your own arms having barely any strength left.

He yanked his arm from your grasp, muttering a curse. "I don't know anything." he spit out before he continued his way towards the car.

"I bet you didn't say that to the police too, did you?" you followed after him, your hand grabbing his arm once more.

"Look." He hastily turned around, now facing you. "Just like I told the police, I was driving by and saw the car crash so  naturally I called the ambulance. That's all." he tried speaking with his best level of calmness, but you couldn't help but notice the shaky state of his hands.

What made him so anxious?

Maybe it's the fact that you were used to it, seeing victims of accidents, injuries and blood, but a part of you felt like he was nervous about something else.

When he registered you looking at his hands, he quickly hid them behind his back. "I'll leave now, and you go back too." he muttered before hopping inside his car.

You stayed there, looking at his car until it drove off.

And something kept telling you that this man wasn't saying the whole  truth.


a/n :: you guys SO MUCH has happened in the last weeks like 😃 first the bts hiatus thing, i went through all stages of grief in 2 hours 🤚 i thought it was the end but then the hybe statement came out and i was like "i can sleep now" 😭

and another thing, we're on chapter 30 already??? wow

and i got a job 😀

also a biiiig thank you for 36k reads 💗 we're growing and i'm super proud of us 🥰

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