22 :: nothing

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Feeling the blood rush to his head, Taehyung felt nothing but pure rage, the mere thought of that murderer walking around his father's hospital, his hospital, making him even angrier than before.

"I'll put a bullet through his fucking head, Wooshik, I'm serious," he muttered, his fist colliding with the wooden desk, the knuckles on his right hand turning a harsh red.

Suddenly, a deafening sound ringed in his ears, making him yelp in pain, involuntarily letting his knees give up on him, making him crouch down.

"Fuck, are you okay?" Wooshik swiftly stood up, taken aback by the sudden accident.

Taehyung tightly closed his eyes, taking deep breaths through his nose.

Feeling the pain slowly fade away, he opened his eyes, witnessing a scared Wooshik standing close to him, holding a cup of water in his hand.

"Drink this, it'll help you calm down," Wooshik mumbled, feeling confused himself by the nervousness he felt seeing his friend in that state.

"Thank you," Taehyung breathed out, drinking the water quickly, as if he hadn't taken a sip of water in ages.

"What was that?" Wooshik placed his hand on Taehyung's shoulder, trying to comfort his friend.

"It's just stress, maybe a panick attack, whenever I think about that murderer, I feel myself about to blow up," Taehyung got back up, regaining his strentgh.

"Don't let your anger take control over you, I'm afraid you might do something you'll regret later," Wooshik sighed, knowing better than anyone that Taehyung wasn't planning to stop any time soon.

"It's not something I can give up on, I will get my revenge, one way or another." Taehyung muttered, going back to the computer, rewatching the footage.

"Does Tiara know him?" Taehyung changed the subject, focusing on the more important matter, you.

"He could've been one of her patients," Wooshik reasoned, not finding it suspicious.

"Yeah, but why was he there so early in the morning?" Taehyung questioned, clicking onto the footage of the day before. "We haven't seen him entering the office though, he must've spent there the night?" he mumbled, more to himself, trying to explain what actually happened.

His suspicions were proven right when the footage of the day before displayed you and him entering the nurses office past the work hours.

"Look! He's limping," Wooshik pointed out, making Taehyung look closely. "He must've been injured?"

"He could be, but why is she taking care of a stranger past her working time? Unless, he is not a stranger to her..." Taehyung combed his hair in frustration, not understanding where could you know that murderer from.

"Good point," Wooshik sighed, finding the whole situation suspicious. "Was she the one you wanted to find proof for?"

"Uh?" Taehyung questioned, having already forgotten about what he was here for. "Oh yeah, it completely slipped out of my head,"

Wooshik hummed, a strange feeling passing through his body. Could she be involved in this? Taehyung's father death?

Shaking the absurd thought off, he sat on the chair, getting back to his previous job. "Then let's find the evidence, and about that man, we'll take care of him later," he proposed, not wanting to pour any more fuel on fire.

Taehyung hummed in agreement, walking back and forth, contemplating about what he had just witnessed. What could you have in common with that -

He couldn't even process the single thought of the murderer responsible for his father's death.

"Taehyung," Wooshik's voice awakened Taehyung from his trance, bringing him back to earth. "What are you planning to do? I mean, once you find the footage,"

"Use it, of course," Taehyung scoffed, amused by the illogical question.

"No shit, I meant where are you going to use it," he bit back, his eyes focused on the computer screen.

"Watch your words, you're still my employee now." Taehyung's tone got firmer, an intimidating aura surrounding him in that moment. "I'm planning on using the footage as a harmless threat," as soon as these words escaped his mouth, Wooshik stopped whatever he was doing, turning around to face the man he once thought he knew better than himself.

"Did I hear that right?" Wooshik questioned, eyeing Taehyung up and down. "Since when are you threatening people? Weren't you the one who always followed the rules?" he continued, but corrected himself right after, "For the most part."

"This is business," Taehyung simply reasoned, not seeing that big of a deal in a harmless threat.

"I mean, you could easily report him to the police?" Wooshik suggested, trying to read his friend.

"What no I can't do that!" Taehyung exclaimed, finding the suggestion absurd.

"Why not?" Wooshik questioned, standing up to meet his friend's height. "Are you perhaps worried about the girl's reputation?" when these words left Wooshik's mouth, Taehyung's pupils became slightly bigger, as if he had been caught red-handed.

"My hospital's reputation. Mine, you understand?" Taehyung kept his cool, not wanting to give his friend any ideas.

"If you say so," Wooshik nodded, getting back to his job.

In a matter of seconds, Wooshik found the footage of the day of the accident, scanning it until he found the needed time.

"This is it, boss," Wooshik played the footage, a video of you entering Demian's office being displayed on the screen.

Taehyung fixed his eyes on your figure, hating the thought of what was about to happen next in the video.

He watched the entire video, his fists tightening every time he saw Demian lay his hands on you.

He couldn't understand it himself, why was it affecting him that much? You were nothing but an employee to him.

"It must be because I'm feeling too responsible for this hospital. Right." he muttered to himself, agreeing to the conclusion he came to by himself.

"What did you say?" Wooshik asked, not having heard what his boss had just said.

"Nothing Wooshik, nothing." just like what you were to him,



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