32 :: alive, for now

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Two hours after the accident

"Just like I told the police, I was driving by and saw the car crash so naturally I called the ambulance. That's all." he tried speaking with his best level of calmness, but you couldn't help but notice the shaky state of his hands.

What made him so anxious?

When he registered you looking at his hands, he quickly hid them behind his back. "I'll leave now, and you go back too." he muttered before hopping inside his car.


The driver carefully locked all doors after he got in, his eyes scanning you through the window before his eyes stole quick glances at the backseat. "You alive back there?" he murmured, a rush of panic filling his lungs.

"Alive, for now," Jungkook spoke barely above a whisper, his hands clutching tightly onto the now-completely-drenched cloth he had pressed against his bleeding wound. "Is she okay?" he let out a breath, cold sweat forming on his forehead.

"You shouldn't worry about her for god's sake!" the driver whisper-yelled in exasperation, turning around to face Jungkook. " You're dying and I'm going to be a fucking murderer!" the driver cried out, tears forming in his eyes.

"Tell me," Jungkook fought the words out, having to make sure you have were okay, safe, alive.

"Yes, yes, yes, gosh, she was just outside asking about the accident, she-she, she's good, better than the two of us, you shut up and don't waste your energy on her, just, just tell me where to get you," he stuttered, his lips trembling in fear of Jungkook losing consciousness in any second.

"Good," Jungkook's whole body relaxed, his hand dropping the cloth, his eyelids fluttering close.

"Hey kid, don't dare close your eyes," the driver bit his lips, eyes scanning Jungkook's body from head to toe. "Kid, hey kid, fucking hell," with no answer from Jungkook, the older man started panicking, scenarios of himself getting imprisoned taking over him.

"GET. IT. TOGETHER." he slapped himself, regaining composure. "What do people usually do in these cases, what do they do, what do they do?!" he repeated over and over, hoping an answer would pop in his mind.

He scooted over, wrapping the cloth around Jungkook's torso into a knot. "This will stop it from bleeding more for now." he said to himself, trying to calm down his nerves. "Now I need to get you somewhere, and since the hospital isn't an option, I have to get you somewhere else, but where!?" He fisted his hair in frustration, needing to think fast and efficiently in order to save Jungkook's life.

Thinking hard, the only thing he could come up with was to get him to his atelier, the only place his family or anyone in that matter won't think of visiting. "Bingo," he exclaimed, hitting the steering wheel in victory. A loud honk was heard, startling both him and Jungkook. "Shit," the driver hissed, praying no one else noticed the loud noise.

"Let's get you out of here alive, kid."


The next day

Looking out the window, you leaned your head onto it, taking in your surroundings. You didn't think you will ever find yourself sitting in an expensive mercedes, especially it being your boss's possession. Kim Taehyung's, more precisely. He insisted on giving you a ride, despite it being the middle of a working day, and no matter how hard you tried to politely reject his offer, he won.

"You know," he started, one of his hands maneuvering the steering wheel while the other rested under his chin. "I can't really help your situation if you don't explain what's going on," he continued, his words making you turn to face him.

Yet, he didn't meet your eyes, his body facing forward. "What's going on?" you repeated his question, humming in comprehension. "Nothing." you looked away.

At that, Taehyung caught your form through the rear-view mirror, a smile finding its way on his lips - an annoyed one. "Really? That's all you've got to say after everything that happened?" he sneered at your bland answer.

"What is there to say though, sir?" you sighed, reminding yourself of what happened last time you complained to your boss.

"The truth?" he pointed out the obvious, thinking this was the best way of getting you to talk. "You can start with what exactly you and my subordinate, Demian, were doing yesterday night, right before the accident happened." Taehyung acted like he was holding an interrogation, which raised some questions within you.

"With all due respect, mr. Taehyung, but what happened had taken place outside of working hours, so I really don't see why you should be informed about this," you stubbornly kept your mouth shut about the incident, a part of you feeling like it involved more than just the matter with Demian. It could involve him, too.

Thoughts of him started flooding your mind, the nightmare you had back at the hospital making you rethink the possibility of it being more than just a bad dream. What really happened back there?

The only person that you could think of was Demian. He must know if someone else was there other than the two of you.

"By any chance, do you know if doctor Demian had woken up?" you asked, not even having heard what Taehyung had said seconds ago.

"You're really impolite for interrupting me like that, miss Tiara." he sighed, giving up the topic of the accident. "And to answer your question, he hadn't. His head injury was way worse than what you've suffered, Tiara. You could say your guardian angel saved you out there." he smiled, not even realizing the tear that fell down your cheek.

Your guardian angel.

You quickly wiped it off, not wanting him to witness this vulnerable side of you. "I'm sorry for interrupting you," you apologized, knowing that it was rude of you to tune out what he was saying. "I'm just... tired?" you yawned in hopes of getting him to soften a little.

"I see," he nodded, understanding that there was no point in continuing that discussion, you certainly did not want him to get too involved. But that didn't mean he won't help you. Him not knowing the details didn't change the fact that he had the footage of Demian assaulting you in his office. "I see."

[ to be continued ]

finally back with an update !!! please support this story and show it your love 💗🎀 seeing almost no interactions really makes me wanna give up on it so that's why the updates are so slowww 😫

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