23 :: safe entry

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"Do you have a death wish?!" you spat, feeling your eyes burn holes through Demian's body.

"You can't blame me." He smiled, almost too delighted, as if what just happened was the cherry on the top to the happiest day ever.

"You fucking kissed me!" you whisper-yelled, the single thought of him ever touching you, or even worse, kissing you, making you shiver in disgust.

"You were just too beautiful," he teased, receiving a pair of rolling eyes from you.

"Do not, and I repeat with all seriousness, do not ever touch me again. I'll report you to the police." you pointed your finger at him, hoping he will stop with the never ending games he never got tired of playing.

"Darling, have you forgotten we work together? It is kind of impossible to not touch you in any way at work." he was amused, definitely amused by this conversation. He liked playing with you, knowing damn well he could play you however he wanted since you were guilty too, of what happened.

"Innapropriate touches, then, like what you just did." you emphasized, trying to keep your temper calm.

"Let's settle this matter somewhere else, hm? Not in front of the hospital." He offered before taking out his car keys. He pressed a button, and a car's lights flashed, meaning his car had been unlocked.

"And where is that?" you questioned, thinking that maybe Demian started regretting his actions, and maybe he wanted to make up for it.

"A really nice bar, you've never been there before."


Indeed, you've never been there before. Those were your thoughts when the car stopped in front of a what seemed a really popular restaurant. And just why didn't you know about it?

As if Demiand sensed your question, he answered "It opened not a long time ago, but it got popular really quickly cause of the influencial people who also visit it."

You nodded, opening the door so you could get a breath of fresh air. Demian and you walked together inside the bar, a weird feeling settling in the pit of your stomach. Or maybe it was the heavy atmosphere filled with the smell of alcohol and smoke that made you feel nauseous.

"Let me order us a drink, it will freshen you up." Demian offered, motioning you to wait him at a table.

You sat down, looking around the place. There were indeed a lot of people, but none that you've seen before.

Getting comfortable in your seat, you looked around, waiting for Demian with the drinks, debating whether it was a good idea to follow him here or not.


Having his backpack tightly secured around his back, Jungkook took a step out of his home, breathing in the cold air of the night.

He was wearing a full black outfit, a black cap hiding his features. Looking down at his wristwatch, Jungkook exhaled, a foggy air breath forming in front of his mouth.

"I will find out what exactly happened to my target." He thought to himself, not able to afford any mistakes during this opperation. A single mistake could cost his mother's life and he wasn't going to risk it.

The motorbike Jungkook always drove in his missions was waiting him in front of the garage, its black color matching his own outfit.

He never questioned himself about the vehicles he owned, not particularly interested in cars or having a collection of them. But truth to be told, he knew a thing or two about motorcycles. And owned one or two, as well.

Hopping on the big black motorcycle, he made sure his gun was secured into its place before he took his full visor helmet and put it on, the darkened glass making him camouflage into the night.

In a matter of seconds, the motorcycle sped off, leaving behind a faint mark of the bike's wheels.

The target's house was definitely some time away from his own penthouse that Jungkook never even used as a home.

It was too big and it felt too empty, almost suffocating for him. He simply owned it, needed a place to invest in so the money he gained wouldn't collect dust.

After all, it was money paid with his own blood.


As the speed was starting to get more and more like the speed of light, Jungkook was getting closer and closer to the Kim's residency. He was well aware of the insane amount of security that was placed around the mansion, so he came well prepared.

He got off the motorcycle a good distance away from the mansion, finding a good spot to hide in and also get the tools ready.

He was sure, more than just sure, that his target was liquidated. He couldn't have missed it, so he needed to find out what exactly was happening inside the house and if his target was actually dead or just declared to be.

Taking his backpack off, he unzipped it, taking out the box with micro-microphones and secret cameras that he was about to install inside the mansion.

Tough deal hence the tens of security guards that were instructed to eliminate any potential danger.

After getting every piece ready, he made a quick revision of the architectural plan of the house he learned in details the night before, fixing his eyes on the two entries in the house that weren't protected enough to stop him from breaking in.

The first and safer entry was on the west side of the house, only a security guard guarding the staff entry to the kitchen.

Jungkook took out his security radio, setting the signal to the guard arranged to the kitchen entry. "Staff 21. West Side." he spoke, calling out to the security guard through it.

"Here." the man yawned, the lack of sleep getting to him.

"Check the east side, we've heard something." and with that, Jungkook turned the radio off, watching from afar how the security guard followed his instruction.

The entry was cleared.

He made his way inside the house safely, the deafening silence guaranteeing his unnoticed presence.

He needed to make it quick and set the devices in the most important places, the central office and the living room, the short period time he had not allowing him to set more.

Doing as planned, Jungkook set the devices on in the living room, hiding them well so no one would notice. The harder part was the central office, which, as expected, was locked from the inside.

As he wanted to unlock the door using a screwdriver, he heard some noises from the floor beneath him.

"Yeah Wooshik, I'm planning on finding him." the voice sounded deep, but not too loud, Jungkook not being able to decipher what the voice said.

But what he could decipher was that he needed to hurry up and unlocking the door wasn't just part of a plan in that moment, but a way to save his mission and not let himself get exposed.

He quickly unlocked the door, entering the room before closing it shut, careful not to make any noise.

The faint voices he heard from earlier became louder and louder till he could hear it as if they were right next to him.

Which they were.

On the other side of the door.


to be continued


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