33 :: your girl

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Laying in the silence
Waiting for the sirens
Signs, any signs I'm alive still
I don't wanna lose it
But I'm not getting through this
Hey, should I pray? Should I pray, yeah

"Not quite the right song choice," the driver cleared his throat, turning off the radio, the depressing-filled-with-fear atmosphere eating at his nerves. "I think we'll be better off with silence, right buddy?" he looked at Jungkook's body through the rear-view mirror, scanning the boy's face quickly. "He's just recharging," he concluded, returning his gaze on the road. 

The nervous tapping on the steering wheel and constant looks between Jungkook and the road was all the ride was about. No signs of police, nor of Jungkook being alive for that matter.

"Stay alive, stay alive," the driver hummed when his eyes registered the wooden sign of country road ahead. "We're almost there." 

What the driver did not mention was that his atelier was certainly not the most welcoming one. It was a modest wood craftsman atelier. Quite messy at that.

When the van stopped in front of a wooden cabin, the driver quickly jumped out of his seat, hands rushing to open Jungkook's door. "Hey you-" the man tried waking him up but when his eyes took in the terrifying amount of blood that was smeared all over the backseat, his mouth fell open and no words came out. 

His hand covered his mouth in shock, forgetting about how drastic Jungkook's situation was. "Don't cry." he told himself, thousands of thoughts of what he will have to go through to clear up this mess clouding his judgement, making him weaker than ever. "What have I gotten myself into?" he wailed, his selfishness making him completely dismiss the half-alive person who laid breathless on the backseat of his car. 

Wiping off the few tears and snot off his face, he leaned down, lifting Jungkook up and taking him to the cabin. He pushed the door open with his foot, causing the wood sawdust float in the air from the sudden force.

"I'll take you to where I usually sleep," he mumbled under his breath, as if making a conversation with an unconscious Jungkook would help wake him up. That, if he was still alive.

The floorboard creaked as the weight of the driver pressed on it, the man walking slow yet steady steps in order to not hurt the boy any more. When he laid Jungkook down on the dusty sofa, another wave of panic hit him. "What now? What do I do now?" he started biting at his lip, his hand searching his pants for his mobile phone. 

"Where the fuck is it?" he cursed under his breath, hating the way events played out for him that night. "Okay, Thomas, calm down. You've watched plenty of hospital shows. What do they usually do?" he spoke to himself, eyes searching the room for anything that could be of any help.

When his eyes took notice of the first aid kit that laid scattered under the coffee table, a smile couldn't be helped. "Finally." he breathed out, falling to his knees in order to pick up whatever was there that would make Jungkook come back to his senses.

His hand took the first thing his eyes spotted. "Paracetamol." he read out, a frown finding its way on his face. "The heck is that for?" he threw it away, hands searching for something else. He held up a bottle, trying to decipher what was written on the label. "Hydrogen pero... pero what?" 4 deep lines formed on his forehead, along with sweat. "I hope it's the thing I usually use," he sighed before standing up and searching for something to wrap Jungkook's wounds. 

He opened the dresser, taking one of his shirts out. "This will do." he said before he ripped it apart. "Now, young boy, hold tight." he spoke, carefully unwrapping the drenched cloth from Jungkook's torso.

"Holy shit," he muttered under his breath when his eyes made out Jungkook's injury. "I may be no professional, but this certainly wasn't caused by this accident." he said as he scanned the deep cut that got reopened when Jungkook's body hit the ground. 

Shaking his head, be it from this accident or not, it was definitely bleeding and it had to be stopped. "This will hurt like a bitch," and with that, he poured almost half of the bottle of hydrogen peroxide on the open injury, a whole sea of white bubbles forming around Jungkook's wound.

"FUCK," Jungkook opened his eyes as soon as his pain receptors received the signal of the intense burn on his abdomen. The first thing he registered was the older man sitting in front of him, but his eyes moved quickly to the spot he felt was burning with flames. "Fuck this," he tightly closed his eyes, his teeth biting mercilessly into his lips. He pushed his head into the sofa, trying to hide away from the throbbing pain. 

"Stay still, I need to wrap this shirt around it if you don't want it getting infected again," Thomas spoke through gritted teeth, trying his hardest to stay composed and not faint at the sight of such horrid injury. 

"I'm going to fucking murder you after this," Jungkook threatened, but before he could open his eyes and look Thomas in the eyes, he closed them even tighter, his fists clenching around the material of the sofa, the pain coming from his abdomen as Thomas wrapped the shirt around the open wound hurting even worse than what it felt when it got reopened during the fall.

"Murder me after you get your head disinfected too, it bled like hell," Thomas pointed out after he finished wrapping the shirt around Jungkook's torso.

"Don't you dare pour that shit on my head, you dimwit." Jungkook hissed, not completely over the agonizing pain he endured seconds earlier. "We don't know how deep that wound is," he breathed out, not having too much strength left in order to communicate normally.

"Shit, I guess you're right," the driver let out a sigh of relief, falling back flat onto the chair that was placed next to the sofa. "I thought you were dead, kid, you're really something," he wiped the sweat that had formed around his forehead, the stress he felt in the past 3 hours having taken half of his life battery.

"I don't die that easily," Jungkook whispered, wanting to laugh but not being able to.

"You're good for now, but not for much longer," Thomas started, knowing that what he had done wouldn't help Jungkook for longer than a few hours. "The wounds need professional help,"

"I can't go to a hospital..." Jungkook stopped, looking up at the driver that almost killed and saved him at the same time. 

"Thomas, you can call me Thomas," the driver introduced himself, the least he could do after everything the two of them went through.

"You can't get me to a hospital, Thomas," Jungkook continued his train of thought. "You'll get questions, you'll be the one to blame after you lied to the police," he reasoned, knowing damn well he also had to stay away from the police's radar. 

Thomas fell silent at that, thinking of ways he could help Jungkook without getting caught by the police.

"Your girl..." he spoke up, scanning Jungkook's face for any signs of protest. "The girl you saved...isn't she working in a hospital?"

[ to be continued ]

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