29 :: you're safe

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"Get in the car, we'll go after them with my car." the man pointed to his van, making Jungkook avert his eyes towards where he was pointing to.

Skepticism could be read in Jungkook's eyes, a hint of fear betraying his intimidating aura. He could risk his life, it wasn't a first for him, but getting another life involved in this mess wasn't part of his plan.

"You're losing too much blood, boy, get in the car," the older man repeated, making him sigh in defeat. He couldn't lose more time on overthinking, he needed to decide now.

As Demian saw Jungkook walking, limping, to the car, he started the engine, a derisive laughter escaping his lips. "Who the fuck is this man for you?" he asked in a mocking tone, looking at your unconscious body through the rear-view mirror. 

"You were mine not so long ago, so when did you manage to meet him?" He pondered, speeding off through the violent storm that only grew stronger. "You couldn't have two at the same time, could you?" he smiled, his hands tightening around the steering wheel.

Noticing the abrupt change of speed of Demian's car, Jungkook's eyes flashed with worry. "They could get into an accident if he drives at that speed, we need to.." he stopped, his lungs not capable of breathing in enough oxygen.

Jungkook coughed, the man next to him hurrying to start the car. "Calm down, we'll stop them before anything happens." the driver reassured him, too scared to even look at his passenger who looked like he would pass out in any moment.

Stepping hard onto the gas pedal, the driver sped off, Jungkook's body jolting forward due to the sudden movement. "Don't worry and just try to block their way," he murmured, head hanging low, fresh blood staining his lips.

The cough from before must've been too rough and Jungkook felt his own body start to give up on him. He needed to treat his injury as fast as possible, because the hit was pretty bad even for him.

The driver did as told, trying to overtake Demian's car. And Demian noticed his attempts of doing that and he couldn't let it happen. He couldn't get caught.

Both of the racing drivers increased their speed, anxiety starting to fill Demian's body. He looked every 5 seconds at your body through the rear-view mirror, praying that you won't wake up this soon.

The sedative he had administrated you was strong, but he couldn't know if it were strong enough for you.

You have been exposed to those chemicals for years in a row and only you knew how well adapted your body is to them.

As if you had sensed his fears, you slowly had started regaining your consciousness, a pounding sensation waking you up from your blackout. The loud sound of the rain pattering against the window made your headache feel even more suffocating, the throbbing pain increasing its intensity.

You tried sitting up, your vision still blurry. "Oh my-" Demian gasped at the sudden movement from the backseat, his hands involuntarily turning the steering wheel to the left, causing the car from behind to slow down in order to avoid a car crash.

You lost your balance, your head hitting the window while Demian tried regaining control of the car.

"Don't slow down!" Jungkook shot the driver a glare, worry creeping up his veins. "They'll crash in any second if that shithead doesn't stop that car now!"

"We will crash too, don't you understand?" the driver felt cold sweat form around his temples, the pressure being too much for him. He started regretting offering help to the insane stranger that was sitting on his passenger's seat.


At the same time, realization of what was happening around you started making sense, the panic in Demian's eyes triggering the fight or flight mechanism inside you.

"Stop the car." you breathed out, hands reaching for the driver's seat, too close to Demian's head. "Stop the fucking car."

The hairs on Demian's back rose, anger building up inside him. "Sit the fuck down." he gritted his teeth, and with a hand he tried pushing you back onto the backseat, but that only weakened the mere control he had over the car. The splashy road made it hard to drive straight, and the raindrops that were blurring the windshield didn't allow Demian to see where he was heading to.

In a matter of seconds, Demian having pressed too hard on the gas pedal felt his hands lock around the steering wheel, his body freezing and not registering the violent turn the car had taken.

You screeched when you felt your head hit the soft material of the driver's seat, the hit not too strong to cause you to blackout, again.


Both Jungkook and the driver watched the car take an 180° turn, the slippery road causing the car to hit the barrier fence, the vehicle finally coming to a hault.

"Oh my god!" the driver gasped, stepping hard onto the brake until his own car had stopped.

"2 accidents in one night, hell, one hour!" the man massaged his temples, trying to comprehend how he had gotten from buying his pregnant wife a cake from the local bakery to having been involved in 2 accidents and almost taking a human's life. almost.

Jungkook opened the door, gathering his strentgh and stepping out of the car.

"Where are you going?" he driver asked, watching as Jungkook hadn't even paid attention to his words.

Clenching his jaw, Jungkook slowly walked to Demian's car, not waiting for the van's driver to help him. His clothes were drenched, the hood of his jacket being soaked in his own blood. He couldn't tell how much blood he had lost but he definitely felt it wasn't a small amount.

The rain never stopped pouring, making it even harder for Jungkook to stay conscious. Despite it all, he managed to get to the car, his hand dropping to the door handle. He pulled it, revealing you with your head leaning onto the back of the driver's seat.

"Tiara?" your name rolled softly off his lips, your head instantly turning in his direction. "You're safe." he whispered, so low you couldn't hear it.

The moment your eyes met his devastated presence, a gasp escaped your dried lips.

Before you could mutter something else, the man in front of you had slowly closed his eyes, and in a matter of seconds, he blacked out.

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