9 :: health issues

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|Tiara's point of view;


Ooooh. That's who Mara was talking about.

Fair share, he IS hot. Way hotter than you imagined.

"Oh, I heard there was someone new at work, but I.." you hesitated, not knowing what to say. Why were you so awkward?

The man noticed your uneasiness, so he spoke up "I know it hasn't been announced yet, it was sudden and I wasn't prepared for it either but I'm going to take Mr. Kim's place. Later today, we'll have a meeting with everyone and they'll be anounced about the change." he explained, but unfortunately your uneasiness didn't fade away. It made you even more confused, and curious.

"I know it's not my place to ask, but did something happen?" youasked, starting to create scenarios that definitely didn't benefit you.

What if Demian told Mr. Kim a completely different story which resulted in the ceo sending this man to resolve the issue? To fire you and ruin your medical career for defamation?

No, that's stupid. No one cares about you that much. You're just overthinking.

"You're right. It isn't your place to ask." He kept his composure, but you could totally notice the way his tone changed. He didn't like you getting into his business, it was a private matter after all.

"I'm sorry." you apologized, reminding yourself that the only thing you needed from him or the old ceo is to be listened to about your side of the story. Who knows, this might've been your lucky chance. This man doesn't know Demian so he might be on your side.

"Actually, what I came here for is a paper I filled in a few days ago about an incident that happened here," you started, watching his eyes scan the expensive bureau.

He left out a barely audible groan before he stood up and glanced at his wrist watch. "As I said earlier, my intervention here wasn't planned and I haven't been put up to date with the work papers and so on, and now I need to meet up with Mr. Kim's assistant, I'll get to your file later." he spoke with such professionalism and interest in his employees' life that, for a second, you thought you might have a work crush.

Yeah, as if Demian wasn't enough of a lesson for you. No more office romance for you, Tiara.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to leave," he took his black coat and motioned you to also leave the office.

"Thank you!" you said quickly before storming out of the office.

So what you have to do now is wait for him to get back and find the right moment to talk to him again.

And also, avoid Demian at all costs.


After what felt like hours and hours of waiting and endless work with patients, Mr. Kim's assistant called the hospital's staff in the meeting room, telling you all she had important news.

"Tiara, where have you been loca?" Mara asked, as you both were walking to the meeting room. "Haven't seen you since early morning."

"Working, loca," you laughed, nudging her arm. "I saw that new man you were telling me about, and you were right, he is hot." As soon as these words left your mouth, a wide smirk appeared on her face.

"Dear, when am I not right?" she flipped her hair, laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, by the way do you know why we were called?" you asked, wondering if she knew more details than you.

"No, do you?" she curiously looked at you, as if she never expected you to know the drama before her.

"The new guy is going to take the CEO position from now on," you informed her, a loud gasp leaving her mouth.

"No way!" you quickly covered her mouth, not wanting to get other's attention.

"Yes way, but I don't know the motive behind all of this so maybe they'll inform us now," you whispered as you were getting closer to the meeting room.

After a good part of the hospital's staff has gathered in the room, the said Kim Taehyung entered the room, being followed by Mr. Kim's secretary.

"I think some of you have already heard or seen me in the hospital," he paused, his eyes meeting yours for a brief second. "My name is Kim Taehyung, and I'm going to be working here from now on.." he introduced himself in a casual manner, making you think that maybe he joked about being new ceo.

"As the new CEO." he finished his sentence, making everyone start whispering amongst each other. "Quiet, please," his voice echoed through the room, everyone becoming instantly quiet. "Mr. Kim is dealing with health issues and as of right now I'll be in his place."

Health issues? Wasn't he supposed to have a business meeting these days? He looked perfectly healthy to you.

"Thank you!" and as he said those words, he looked at his secretary and gave her a nod before leaving the room.

"Mr. Taehyung won't be available for the rest of the day so every question you have, you'll be able to discuss it tomorrow. That was all for today."

Isn't this just amazing? You thought he'd said you'll discuss it today. Not tomorrow. You can't wait till tomorrow when-

"Such a nice surprise huh?" a male voice spoke, sending shivers down your spine. "A new director.."


You slowly turned around, facing the one that voice belonged to. "Who could've thought our beloved Mr. Hyunjung would leave his job because of health problems right? He seemed healthier than all of us." he chuckled, looking at you like nothing has happened between you two.

What if he doesn't even remember?

"Right?!" Mara agreed, still in disbelief. "Well, I hope he recovers fast. But to be honest, I like this new ceo better." she laughed, Demian watching your every move.

"If he left his job, the one he had dedicated his life to, I think it's realy serious.." you muttered, feeling guilty of ever bad mouthing him. "I hope he gets better in no time.."

"Don't worry, Tiara, he's a strong man." Demian reassured you, placing his hand on your shoulder as a sign of empathy.

Did he really not remember anything? Or did he just want me to think that?

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