15 :: breakup

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"Could you tell me what happened on november 3rd? Exactly 4 days ago."

Demian tensed at the question, but didn't let it show. He couldn't believe it, did you really tell the ceo about that when you were the one who literally drugged him?

Thankfully, he knew how to play his cards without even having to lie to the extremes. "Of course, sir." he fixed his posture before he replayed the scene, making sure to portray it to the best of his abilities.

"I know this isn't allowed here, but since I have to say it as it really happened, I will." He cleared his throat before he began. "Tiara and I, are in a relationship, or better said, were." at his words Taehyung tensed, a slight hint of "i knew it" written on his face.

"And that day, I told her to come visit me in my office as I had wanted to talk privately about our relationship. I felt that this connection wasn't right from the very beginning and it certainly went against our prestigious hospital's guidelines, so I came to the conclusion that it would be best if we break things off." he explained, leaving no trace of uncertainty that would make his boss doubt him. Still, he needed a reaction from Taehyung, as a sign if he should continue or change the plan.

"Continue." Taehyung kept his calm, not wanting to comment on the fact that a doctor and a nurse had a relationship despite the relationship at workplace policy.

"Well, she certainly didn't take the news lightly, and acted on impulse, thinking that syringe of propofol would solve things." he explained. "Poor thing didn't know the quantity wasn't enough to make me lose my memory. She probably hoped I would forget about my decision and continue to be with her." Demian laughed, wanting to lighten up the mood, one of his ways to befriend the higher ups.

But Taehyung wasn't quite buying that made up story. He couldn't put his finger onto what exactly was going on, but he knew this guy wasn't planning to suffer the consequences without solid proof.

"What if I were allergic to that medication? Who knows what kind of reaction I would've had and what complications it could've lead to." Demian continued, sensing that Taehyung wasn't on his side. yet.

"But Miss Bay hasn't spoken about your.." Taehyung hesitated, not being used to talking openly about personal relationships in his work environment. "About your relationship."

"Why would she?" Demian chuckled. "It's embarrassing to be so desperate about saving your relationship to the point that you're ready to make your partner lose-" Demian didn't get to finish his sentence as Taehyung's fist slammed on the desk.

"Enough." He commanded, not tolerating the insults his inferior was throwing left and right. "Talk with respect about your fellow collegues."

Demian shut his mouth the second he heard Taehyung's strict tone. Maybe joking around wasn't the best idea.

"I apologize." He gritted his teeth, not liking he had to submit to his boss, who could even be the same age as him. "But that doesn't erase the fact that what she did was illegal and she should've been grateful enough that I didn't report her to the police, which I am going to do now." Demian stood up, regaining his sense of self worth as he thought the control was now in his hands.

"I agree that what she had done is undeniably wrong, but she could present her action as self-defense, because according to her testimony you were the one who sexually harrassed her," Taehyung was starting to grow annoyed, because he was here to work as the director of a hospital, not a damn couple therapist.

Demian fell silent, but a solution quickly popped up in his mind. "She is most definitely lying, and there is no proof of what she accuses me of,"

As Taehyung was about to speak and put an end to this conversation, his phone rang, the caller id being the one he was patiently waiting for since yesterday.

"Mr. Demian, I advise you to settle this matter with Miss Bay without getting the police involved because you could lose your license which I am very sure you had worked hard for. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to take this call." Taehyung motioned him to leave to office as he needed privacy.

Demian muttered something under his breath which only he could hear and obeyed his superior's words.

As soon as the door closed, leaving Taehyung all alone, he picked up the call, revealing the voice of the IT specialist his lawyer had hired.

"Any news?" Taehyung asked, a tiny spark of hope finding its way into his chest.

"It isn't the best evidence, but I managed to get something."

"What is it?" Taehyung asked impatiently.

"I've got a photo of his face." the IT specialist spoke through the phone whilst looking at the picture of the notorious killer that was fully displayed on his computer screen . "As expected, the photo is blurry and the absence of the light makes it even harder to recognize him." he sighed.


"But thanks to this photorobot that's used in police, I managed to decipher his identity." he smirked, proud of his well done job.

"Who is he?" without knowing, Taehyung had tightly clutched onto the leather chair, the anger growing by each passing second.

"His name is Choi Dongwook."



hi pretties!♡ happy 2022!!!🎄
can't believe another year has passed and i still haven't finished this book ahahahah

jokes aside, i hope this year will be meaningul to all of you and you'll remember it with a genuine smile on your faces :]

i'm turning 18 in less than 2 weeks (12 days hehe) and i'm quite nervous but i believe i will be a successful adult😼 (affirming is the key to success isn't it^^)

jan 5, 2022, from your favorite writer lina ☆

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