11 :: that voice

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Having no option but to get this info by himself, Jungkook sat himself at his desk, the bureau lamp being the only source of light in the entire house.

After what happened at the restaurant, his mind was clouded with remorse. What had he become? The person he's tried to save his mom from? And now that there's no turning back, he's given up? After all the sacrifices he's made?

He needed to get out, take a walk and clear his head. And maybe drink, just a little.


"You're not leaving?" Mara asked you about 2 hours ago, before you told her you needed to stay a little bit longer and finish writing some receipts.

Well, that took more time than just a little bit. Honestly, you couldn't focus at all because your thoughts kept going back to the meeting you had with the new ceo and Demian's behavior.

He was strange, he seemed too friendly even for him. But maybe it's for the best? You shouldn't overthink it when probably the universe has given you a chance to get away with what you've done. It's not even a crime, right?

Groaning, you stretched your back before standing up and going to the staff closet where you kept your coat. You looked at your phone and it showed 11:49 pm. Sighing, you averted your gaze to the window and all you could decipher was nothing.

It was completely black.

Putting your coat on and turning the lights off in the office, you left the hospital and started walking home.

Having no car was becoming a problem even though you didn't live that far away from the hospital.

Passing by the bar you usually go to brought back memories of that night, that special night you spent with a complete stranger.

"I wonder what could he be doing at this time..." you sighed, the peaceful quietness making you..

What was that?

"Know your fucking place," a muffled raspy voice echoed, then the sound of a kick was heard. "Fucking bastard." the man cursed before walking off.

You turned your head, trying to follow the direction of the sound.

"Is that all you can do?" Another man laughed, his laughter being followed by some coughs.

"Is someone there?" you asked, walking towards him. "Are you okay?"

And only then you could make out the figure of a man who was leaning against the wall, unsteady breaths coming from him.

"I'm fine." He muttered, not wanting you to get closer to him. "Stay away."

That voice.

You could recognize that voice from millions.

It was him.

"Oh my god.." you whispered, trying to take a better look at his face. "Is it really you?"

The man froze in his spot as soon as soon as he heard you speak. He did not want to believe he was meeting you again, in this state.

"I think you're confusing me as someone else." He mumbled, not wanting you to see him like this. He tried to stand up, but instead winced in pain, falling right back onto the cold concrete.

"Are you hurt?" you asked him, kneeling down beside him.

"You're bleeding!" you shrieked as soon as you touched the soft material of his sweatshirt while trying to help him stand up.

"It's nothing, really," he tried to gently push your hands away, but you could not let him walk away in the middle of the night, not like this.

Even if he didn't remember you, or didn't want to remember you.

"I'm a nurse, I know when it's nothing and when it's more than it." you spoke in a more serious tone, secretly hoping he would stop protesting and just let you help.

"The hospital is a few minutes away, let me treat your wound there." you softly whispered as you noticed his grip on your hand soften.

"No!" he immediately protested, quickly becoming quiet as he noticed his tone got too roughed up. "I'm sorry, I.. you shouldn't waste your time on me."

"Don't apologize." you smiled at him before you took his arm and put it around your shoulders. "Now be brave for me and try to stand up," he did as told, finally accepting your help.

You noticed him wincing in pain every step he made and you couldn't help but wonder what happened there and why. He didn't look very drunk so why would that man beat him up that bad?

"I know it's none of my business but can I know why did that man do this to you? We could've called the cops on him!" you mumbled, his condition stirring up the need to get that man behind bars for what he's done.

"Eh.. It's actually all my fault..." he sighed, but there was something more to his words than what he let out.


"I just... let's just say I needed a wake up call and he just happened to be there."

You get it. He didn't remember you and he didn't want to tell you what happened either. But who are you to ask him to do that?

You didn't spend the night together and he even left you all alone that night. You were no one for each other. And you'll probably stay that way forever.



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