13 :: she remembers

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When Jungkook opened his eyes, he felt the warm touch of the rays of sunshine that peeked through the curtains and he could almost say that a peaceful feeling settled in his heart, but the sharp pain that came from his ab area ruined his peace.

He tried to sit up, but he only now noticed the foreign surroundings. He looked down and he saw he was shirtless, with a bandage on his lower abdomen.

"How did I even get here?" He yawned, brushing his hair back with his hand. He looked around, and only then he noticed you.

You fell asleep on the floor, beside him, probably being too tired last night as you didn't get the chance to leave because of him. He felt guilty, genuinely, for making you think the 2 of you were strangers to each other, but he didn't want you to get involved with him.

He was no good.

And the fact that you didn't bring it up either made him believe that maybe you forgot it too.

He carefully stood up from the couch, making sure he didn't wake you up. He wanted to leave as fast as he could, so no one would see him, but seeing you sleep so peacefully made him stop in his tracks and stare at you.

He crouched down in front of you, making sure he didn't put pressure on his wound. "And now how am I supposed to liquidate my target with this injury that hurts like hell" he asked himself, but his face softened when he saw the strands of your hair covering your face.

"Tiara..." he sighed, delicately brushing it aside.

The tattoo behind your earlobe. The angel wings.


The tattoo he made you do it, with your consent, of course. "How can she not remember me when she has fucking proof of us, of that night ever happening!" He mentally scolded himself for forgetting about it.

"Of course she remembers. And I played dumb while she saved me knowing damn well I was the one who-" He stopped himself, knowing this will get him nowhere.

"I'm sorry, angel," he whispered before he stood up and went to grab his sweatshirt.

There were blood stains. A lot of them. But to his luck, or maybe his misfortune, he was used to it.

He dressed himself and was preparing to leave, when suddenly a knock was heard on the door.

Shit, he had to hide. Even if he did nothing wrong, at least this time, it was not okay to spend night here, with you, in this room.

He quickly went inside the closet and closed the door right when the other door to the room opened, revealing a woman who was also wearing a nurse uniform.

"Tiara!" She shout-whispered, walking towards you who jolted awake when you heard her. "Did you spend the night here? Again?"

Holy shit. Did you really fall asleep? And where is... where is Jungkook?

"Why are you shouting?" you groaned, lifting yourself up from the ground, having the feeling that it'll probably take you a good amount of days to relieve the pain from sleeping on the hardass floor.

"God, didn't you hear? Mr. Kim's been looking for you!" She told ylu bringing you back to earth. You completely forgot about your own complaint.

"Which one? Mr. Hyunjung or the new one?" you asked, fearing that the old ceo might have returned and make your life a living fell for defaming his favorite worker Demian.

At the sound of that name, Jungkook almost gave out his hideout, not believing the fate's irony. It couldn't be. His target - the ceo of this hospital? Tiara's boss?

"Of course it's our favorite Kim Taehyung," Mara grinned, winking at your.

"Do I look presentable or is my hair resembling a bird's nest? There's honestly no in between," you groaned, not wanting to face the new boss looking like a mess. You'll make a bad impression and he won't ever take your words seriously after this.

Kim Taehyung it is. Jungkook thought to himself, noting the name for later, as he needed to look into it. Who was he and why did he take his target's position? Could it be, perhaps, his son?

"A little retouch won't hurt, I gotta go," Mara smiled before storming out of the room.

Silence took upon the room, Jungkook holding his breath in, scared that you might have heard him.

And you did.

"Mind explaining why the heck are you in the closet?" you asked, standing in front of the said closet, waiting for him to get out.

"Uh? I was searching for some clothes and didn't wanna interrupt your conversation with your friend," he opened the door, stepping out.

"Yeah, and eavesdropping is way better," you scoffed, looking him up and down. "I see you haven't found any clothes, hm?" you pointed at his blood stained sweatshirt.

"I'm not really in the position to search for something while having a deep stab in me!" he exclaimed, knowing he exaggerated because it wasn't as bad as he was portraying it to be.

"I know how bad that wound is, because I, may I remind you, treated it, and it doesn't make you incapable of doing basic tasks, especially after a good night sleep here," you insinuated his little rest here.

"Thank you for that, by the way," he changed the subject, accepting his defeat which you were very proud of.

"It's my job," you smiled, going over to the mirror to actually fix your appearance.

"I guess it's my cue to leave," he said, scratching the back of his head.

"Be sure to change the dressing once in a while," you reminded him, turning around to face him. "And also.." you looked at him, noticing how his eyes focused on you. "Be okay."

"Hm?" He turned around, facing your shattered state.

"You said you needed a wake up call, so whatever you're going through, I hope you'll be okay... safe." you mumbled, feeling embarrassed of your sudden need to say this to him.

Sounded like his granny.

"Oh." was all he said.

Jungkook was taken aback by what you said. He's never heard these words since his mother disappeared. And hearing them again felt like he wasn't just a no one living on this shitty earth, it felt like his life actually mattered to someone. Wether that was out of pity, or just because it was your job to say so, he didn't care.

He just wanted to savor the feeling.

"I will."


i love writing this series sm!!!i hope you're enjoying it as much as i do!
f♡ck school for not letting me have enough time to write this ://

have a nice day^^ 💞

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