Before I can get down, Jesse grabs my wrist

“Don't come down. Please.”

I don't leave anymore but I don't turn to look at him, waiting and wondering if he'll apologize

“I'm sorry.” he says as if he read my mind

“I'm sorry doesn't even begin to cut it.” I say turning to look at him

“Why would you even say something like that?”

“I don't know! I just......” he starts to say but stops

“You just?....” I ask

“I just thought.....”

I see that he's trying to think of a way to say what he wants to say without offending me and that just offends me even more.

“Thought what?”

There's no justifiable explanation for what he just said to me but I want to hear what he has to say

He takes a deep breath and continues
“I don't know, this may sound stupid.”

“Go on.” I say

“And you might get offended.” he adds

“I'm already offended and trust me, I can't get any more offended than this.”

I see that he's just trying to stall and I wonder what could be so bad that he's been stalling it since we left school

“Ok.” he drawled

“It kind of seems like you're just using me to get over Cole.” he continues

“I'm not saying that's what I feel, I'm just saying that's what it seems like. Yeah sure the thing with  Cole didn't escalate to a point where you guys actually started dating and then he went and did that shit, but still, you liked him, even if it's just a bit, and you trusted him. It's just really strange how quickly you got over him plus all of a sudden you started having feelings for me and you've been trying to get us to be more than just friends so all of this just kind of seems like you're trying to use me to get over Cole.”

“You kissed me.” I remind him

“At that time I liked you yeah, but not all that much.” I point out

“It was an accident.” he says in his defence

“Is that so?” I ask raising an eyebrow up
“Is that the story we're going by now?”

“But it was an accident I swear!” he says getting defensive

“So you're telling me that you kissing me was an accident?” I ask calmly

“That's not what I meant.”

“Then what did you mean? Enlighten me.” I'm now facing him in the car with  my arms folded across my chest.

“Look,” he says unfolding my arms and holding my hands in his

“I'm really not trying to hurt you.” he starts

I remove his hands from mine and drop my hands in my lap.

“I'm not saying you are.” I say very calmly

“Ok.” he drawls confused

“But just one question Jesse. Can you do that for me?”

He doesn't say anything and I take that as a sign to go on

“Do you see me as anything more than a friend?” I ask

“I....” he starts

“Just answer the question.”

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