Chapter 3🥀

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Writer's POV

Next morning, Abhay was dropping Aashi to college .

Aashi: Bye Bhai , come on time to pick me up ok?

Abhay: Wait let me also come with you.

Aashi: Where?

Abhay: I want to meet your friends.

Aashi:Ok fine they must be near the gate , I don't know about Mayan, but Ahana will be there.

Abhay: Ahana ? Nice name.

Aashi: I'm warning you Bhai , keep your flirty skills to yourself Infront of her, she hates flirts ,
I don't want to see my Bhai get beaten by my best friend so please.

Abhay: Ok ok I'll try.

Aashi: There she is , hey Ahana.

Abhay: Wow, she is gorgeous.

He wisphered .

Ahana: Hey Aashiiii,

They hugged while Abhay was lost in her.

Aashi: Ahana this is my brother , Abhay and Bhai this Ahana my best friend.

Ahana: Hi Bh..

Abhay: Abhay!!!! You can call me Abhay .

Ahana: Hi Abhay .

Abhay sighed as he was scared that ahana will call him Bhai.

Abhay: Hello Ahana, where's your other friend princess?

Aashi: Umm he is not here yet Bhai .

Abhay: Ok I'll go then, take care princess, call me if there's anything, and nice meeting you Ahana, please take care of Aashi.

Ahana: Same here Abhay, and don't worry I'll take care of her.

Aashi: come on guys I'm 21, I'm not a kid anymore.

Abhay: You are for us always .

He went after pecking her head .

Aashi music studio

Rishi and Krisha were done with half of the song . But they didn't talk to each other at all. They were seated together as they were having a break .

Rishi: Miss.Krisha ,I'm really sorry , this music video is really special to me , it was my sister's idea , and she's very excited about this, she was the one who selected you for the video also ,
so when you were late , I got little frustrated, and I'm really sorry for that.

Krisha  passed him a small smile.

Krisha: That's ok Mr.Malhothra I understand. And I would love to meet your sister.

Rishi: She will be there for the launch .

Krisha: That's good.

Manager: Sir , maam the track is  ready , so are you guys ready to listen to it .

Krisha: Yeahh.

Krisha heard the track , and she was completely lost in Rishi's soulful voice . She have never heard his songs , and she loved it .

Krisha: Wow, that's beautiful, That's really nice Rishi I loved this track . I mean Mr.Malhothra.

Rishi: That's ok , you can call me Rishi.

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