Chapter 56🥀

716 49 37

Writer's POV

It was wedding day of one of the most prominent and handsome cricketers of the  Indian cricket team.
They were on all over the social media and headlines.....

All of them were busy on work,
but shub wanted to meet Monisha somehow.
He slowly sneaked into Monisha's house through her balcony...
Naina and Aashi was glaring at him , while standing near the door of Monisha's room.
Shub smiled nervously.

Shub:Naina, princess...

Naina: What the hell are you doing here shub?
Go home and get ready , only few hours are left for the wedding.

Aashi: Have patience bhai,  after few hours monisha di is gonna be only yours .
And let her get ready now.

At that time monisha came out from the washroom and got shocked to see shub over there.

Monisha: Shub? What are you doing here ?

Shub: Please guys , let me talk to her for ten minutes , please.... Naina please....and Aashi I always help you in your pranks na , why can't you do this for me ? Please..
Only ten minutes.

Naina: Ok fine.

Aashi: Only ten minutes.

With that they went out, leaving the couple alone.

Monisha: What happend shub?

Shub hugged her tightly...monisha was confused and rubbed his back as she knew he was disturbed about something.

Monisha: What happend baby? What's bothering you?

Shub broke the hug and cupped her face.

Shub: I have done mistakes in past which broke you,
which created distance between us ,
but I promise love , I will never do anything intentionally to make you hurt again...
I promise to keep you happy always ,
if there's any problem,  I promise to be by your side and support you ....
I will love you always ok?
And I will never do any mistake knowingly, 
if I did also , you slap me and make me understand my mistake ok?
I hope you are not having second thoughts.

Monisha chuckled and pecked his lips .He smiled.

Monisha: I don't care ok?
I don't care about whatever happened in the past, 
I only know that , you are my present and future,  that's all...
I love you so much... and getting married to you is the best descion I have ever taken. 
So now go home and get ready my handsome dimple boy.

Shub: Ok , soon to be wify .

He went after kissing her forehead.

Boys were already in the church with the guests and relatives. 
Shub and Abhay were waiting for their brides eagerly. 

Abhay was irritating the boys asking when is Ahana coming.

Mayan: Can you shut your mouth for a while Abhay , have patience dude.

Abhay: I can't bro, I want to see her right now.

Rishi: She is going to be yours only after few minutes,  what's the hurry?

Abhay: No no bhai, I can't wait anymore,  tell the girls to bring Ahana right now,  otherwise I will cancel this wedding .

Shub: What the hell! Shut up abhay.

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