Chapter 20🥀

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Writer's POV

It's been a month since Aashi's accident as well as only two months left for Aarav and Naina marriage.

It was the last day of Naina in Malhothra industries as Aarav's PA.

Aarav called Naina

Aarav: Miss.Naina can you come to my cabin now.

Naina giggled as she knew that from the morning Aarav was behaving like a kid.
Naina came inside his cabin .

Naina: How can I help you sir.

Aarav pulled her into his lap and back hugged her keeping his chin on her shoulder.

Aarav: It's the last day of you in this office, I'm gonna miss you .

Naina:Awww but we meet every day na , why are you getting sad?

Aarav: But you are not gonna be my PA anymore na?

Naina: So what ? Let me remind you Mr.Malhotra that , I'm gonna be officially your wife after two months.

Aarav: I can't wait for that day .

Naina: me too , and yeah, find a new PA for you now .

Aarav: I don't need a PA baby,
I gave  you that position ,so that you can learn work, to be successful and to make me proud.

Naina: I will make you proud boss.

She said giggling

Aarav: I'm already proud to have you, I love you .

Naina: guess what ? I love you too.

She said while pecking his cheek. Aarav grinned.

Aarav: so you are not gonna come to the office again?

Naina: who said like that? Ofcourse I will come , but as your wife , after getting married,
After becoming Mrs. Naina Aarav Malhothra.

She said grinning . Which made Aarav chuckle. He pecked her temple .

They spent s little time with each other
And then she left the cabin , so that she can work for the  Malhothra industries for the last time .

Abhay and Ahana was in a cafe.

Ahana: So Mr.Cricketer , I didn't know that I have a personal driver now.

Abhay chuckled.

Abhay: What to do sweatheart, how can I let you go in a public transport, when I'm there.

He said dramatically making her chuckle.

Ahana: Your sister, and our so called best friend Mayan, doesn't stop teasing me, because of you.

Abhay: I know you like it. Don't you?

He said winking.

Ahana: you wish?

Abhay: ofcourse I do .

They both were staring at each other with the coffee mugs in their hand.

Abhay:So Ahana, How does it feel like to be the most gorgeous girl in this cafe?

Ahana almost choked on her coffee Ahana laughed...

Ahana: Eewww so cheesy Abhay , and I remember that you told me , that I'm not for Flirting, so why are you Flirting with me now ?

Abhay: It's because, as you know , I have stopped flirting with other girls ,
And my Flirting skill are feeling bad , so I thought of trying them on my  favourite girl ,who's behind my change .

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