Chapter 34🥀

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Writer's POV

It's been three weeks since the girls left , and more than one month since monisha distanced herself from everyone.
They all got busy in their careers to forget what's going in their life .
They all tried their best to talk to Monisha too, but all were in vain ....
Shub daily goes to her place , but as usual go back after getting disappointed.

Next day also, shub again went to Monisha's place .
Monisha's parents were getting ready to go somewhere,  their stuff were packed.

Shub's POV

Me: Aunty and uncle,  where are you both going? Where's monisha?

Aunty: Shub, monisha is not in India. Last night she shifted into another country!!!

It felt like my whole world turned upside down, I couldn't believe myself.

Me: What?I mean and where Aunty.... how can she?

Aunty: We tried our best to stop her, but she went, she told us not to reveal the country where she is... sorry son.

Tears were rolling down from my eyes.

Me: How can...she leave me?

Uncle: let her be strong first shub, it was all were devastating for her,
I know its really hard for you,but be strong and take care shub,
even we both are shifting back to the village.

I nodded meekly with the uncontrollable tears which were flowing down from my eyes.
Monisha's parents left after hugging me.

I fell on the floor with a thud.
How can she leave me like that?
She is my love ....why did she leave me , she should have slapped me ....she should have punched me , but what was the need to leave me ?
This is all because of me , I'm responsible for my own condition,  this all happened because of me ....

Writer's POV

Shub was crying badly was blaming himself ....
At that time Abhay came there as he couldn't find shub anywhere .

Abhay: Shub!!! What happened ? Why are you crying like this ? Did monisha said something?

Abhay asked while kneeling down beside him.

Shub: She left Abhay... she left me forever... this is all because of me...

Abhay: What? Where is she ?

Shub: She left the country,  and have told her parents to not to tell me where she is....
why did she leave me ? She should've fought with me , slapped me ...
but what was the need to leave me like this?

Abhay could see his brother breaking like that anymore, he hugged him.

Abhay: Shub, bhai listen, so what she went , we will find her ok ?
We will find her from somewhere,  how can she leave like that ?
We will bring her back ... please just stop crying now , and let's go home,  mom and others are worried....

Shub : Yeah I will find her , and will  bring her back to me again , I want lose her ...

Abhay: Yeah you wont lose her !!!
Now stop crying like a girl , come on dude,  you are a damn famous cricketer,  think about your image atleast, and dont prove that you are Aashi's brother by doing all this drama ... get up,  lets go ...

He said to cheer his mood , Shub shook his head in disbelief and went back home with Abhay with the determination that he will find his love somehow.

They went home and told everything to others , they were shocked to hear that their monisha left the country even without informing them ....
but they all supported shub , so that he will be strong and will try his best to find out monisha....

Next day ...

Aashi  and Mayan came to a park after college, so that they can spend sometime together peacefully....

Mayan: Where are you lost baby ? Is it about monisha?

Aashi: Yeah but I know that shub bhai won't give up till he find her....
I'm just thinking how things changed between all of us ...
I miss our good happy days...
I miss the way we enjoyed together....
We All are separating Mayan.

Mayan: I know baby , we all are parting away from each other, three of the girls are out of the country,
we dont have any idea about one of them ,
and now even Ahana's parents are trying to take her to America...
all the problem are coming together ... but I'm glad that we are together , and we will solve all this problems too...leave it to the time, we all will be back again soon.

Aashi: We won't get separated na Mayan? You won't leave me right?

Mayan: Never love,  I would never leave you, even if you leave me,  you will be he last girl I would ever love...
I cant even think of a life without you now ,
I might sound really cheesy but I meant each and every word I said.

Aashi hugged him tightly,  even he reciprocated instantly....

Aashi: I will never leave you ...

Mayan: I love you ...

Aashi: I love you too..

And they kissed pouring all the love they had for each other....

In the midnight,  Ahana called Abhay, disturbing his sleep.
He picked the phone without checking the caller's name...

Abhay: Whoever you're, it's better he important, or I will not think before breaking your nose.

Ahana: Abhay...

Ahana said and sobbed , Abhay sat on the bed in a jerk....

Abhay: Ahana , sweetheart what Happend ? Are you ok? Why did you call at this time ?

Ahana: I'm not ok abhay...

Abhay: What happened Ahana ?
You are scaring me ..

Ahana: I'm shifting to America in the morning with mom and dad....
dad said it's his last wish,  and took a promise from me....
I'm going abhay...

Abhay: What????

Ahana cried and tears formed in Abhay's eyes too, as he never wanted to lose her....

Here goes the 34th chapter guys....

Hope you all liked it....

Please vote and comment guys...

See you all in the next chapter....

Stay safe🥀

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