Chapter 33🥀

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Writer's POV

It's been a week since the club mess. Monisha didn't talk to anyone, her mom is the only one with whom she's talking to.
Shub came to meet her numerous times , but she was not ready to meet him .
Her parents were really worried for . And others too.

Naina's flight was in the evening, yeah she is going to Canada for six months .
Naina and Aarav were in their room .

Naina hugged him tightly, hiding her face on his neck , he was rubbing her back .

Naina: Please I don't want to go baby, please let me stay here with you all , even shub needs me now , Aashi too , please Aarav.

Aarav: Baby , we talked about it already na , you have to go baby please, don't worry I will take care of shub ,Aashi and others.

Naina: Hmm I'm gonna miss you .

She said and kissed his neck.

Aarav: I'm gonna miss you more baby ... Take care of yourself ok? Don't be clumsy and fall somewhere, I'm not gonna be there to hold you .
Don't stress yourself too much , If you need any help , I'm just a call away baby , I will be there with you wherever you need me.

Naina: ok , and you take care too, have your food on time , Take Care of everyone ,don't miss me too much ok?

Aarav: I can't promise the last one.

Naina kissed him, even he reciprocated instantly....

She said bye to the siblings , Aashi cried a lot hugging her ... Even Abhay too.
Others except Monisha called Naina too.
Then Naina and Aarav left to the airport.

Naina: Monisha didn't call me yet Aarav.

Just then she received a call from monisha, she smiled widely and picked it up.

Naina: Monisha , how are you girl?

Monisha: Fine , you are going today na ?

Naina: yeah I'm in the airport.

Monisha: ohh have a safe flight Naina, will miss you....

Naina: miss you too , take care ok , be in touch with us .

Monisha: Bye Naina.

Aarav: How's she ?

Naina: She doesn't sound like the Monisha we know.

Aarav: Everything will be fine , bye love .

Naina: Bye.

She sobbed and hugged him tightly..he pecked her lips and broke the hug.
And she left to Canada , to fulfill her duties as a daughter.

On the next day it was Krisha's turn to leave the country, Rishi made her sign the contract .
And she's leaving to Australia, it's more like Rishi is forcefully sending her to Australia.
Krisha spoke to everyone before she came to the airport with Rishi, Monisha spoke to her too.

Rishi: Why is your face is like this love ?

Krisha: Because I don't want to go , and you are forcefully sending me , I can't live without you all , and already our lives are a mess and now you are sending me to another country.

Rishi cupped her face pecked her forehead.

Rishi: Love , this is needed ok, this is really important to your career, trust me it's damn hard for me to send you far away to another country, but I don't want you to miss this chance ,
I never think before traveling all around the world for my shows right ? So even you shouldn't,
go baby , and we will talk everyday, just concentrate on your career for sometime...

Krisha hugged him tightly.

Krisha: I was scared of relationships rishi , but after I got you and our friends, actually they are our extended family .
I can't even stay a single second without thinking about you all.
I don't like what's going on our lives now ...
Please try to make everything fine ...

Rishi: I will try my best babe .... I love you ...

Krisha : I love you too.

And then even she boarded into her  flight.

Next week

Shub was in his room thinking about how his life has changed .
Aashi and Abhay came to his room .

Aashi straightaway went and side hugged him .
Even he wrapped his arms around her , it's been long since her sister came closer to him .
Even Abhay sat Infront of him on the bed .

Aashi: What are you thinking Bhai ?

Shub: Thinking how I spoiled all our lives in few words.

Abhay: Whatever you did was wrong but , you regret it, you never meant it , we have to think about what can we do to clear this mess now .

Aashi: Yeah Bhai , Abhay Bhai is right , let's figure out something to pacify monisha Di .

Shub: She's not ready to talk to anyone . You know what, she just resigned from her team manager position.

Abhay/ Aashi: What?

Abhay: How don't I know about this ?

Shub: Virat Bhai just called me and told me to tell you also .

Aashi: Oh god that's ... I don't know , won't she talk to us again?

Abhay: She will princess, she have to .

Aashi: I miss my sisters, only ahana is there with us , even her parents are forcing her to shift to America with them .
I don't know what's going in our lives.
We are seperating from each other ....
And that is something I Never wanted.

Shub: This mess started because of me.

Abhay: No it's not because of you , we have to face to challenge in our lives , and that's what we are getting now ....
It will pass away soon hopefully.

Shub: What have you thought about Ahana?

Abhay: I love her shub, a lot!

Aashi: We know that Bhai , when are you planning to propose her .

Abhay: I was going to propose her only , but with whatever going on now , I don't know if it's right to propose her now .

Shub: Do it Abhay , otherwise you will regret , just like me .

Aashi: Bhai , everything will be fine ok , we siblings will make everything fine .

Aarav/Rishi: include us too.

They said from the door and joined them .

Aarav: We all will make everything fine together...

Rishi: As long as we give are together, we can do anything right ... Promise that we all will Never give up .

They promised each other and shared a group hug.

Here goes the chapter 33 guys...

So yeah Naina and Krisha is in different countries now concentrating on their careers.

Let's see what awaits to for  them in the future ....

What do you all think , will Abhay propose Ahana before it gets too late ?

See you all in the next chapter...

Stay safe 🥀

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