Chapter 40🥀

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Writer's pov

After three months ,
it's been two months since Naina came back to India,  and she's trying her best to get the boys back to their old self.
But she can't do it alone , without any support.

Krisha was coming back to India,  and it's a surprise for Rishi ,
only Naina knew about it.
It was a Sunday and her flight landed on India,  Naina made sure to keep Rishi at home .
While Rsihi was thinking that , Krisha is coming in  next week.

Naina heard the car sound and was waiting for the romantic scene which was gonna happen soon.
Rishi was questioning naina as why she's not letting him go out,
the malhothra brothers rarely stayed at home as they hate to stay at home without Aashi.
Rishi was facing his back to the door , and Naina saw krisha standing on the door,  but she kept quiet.

Krisha: I can’t even put into words how much you mean to me, and each day I hope that I will open the door to your face.....
This what you said yesterday night, my dear boyfriend, but you didn't open the door to my face .
Not fair huh...

She said with a grin on her face...
Rishi was on shock,  Naina shaked him little and turned him towards krisha.

Rishi: Naina, Even you see krisha here or have I gone mad ?

Naina:Bhai, You have gone madly in love with her, and she's here to surprise you before a week itself....

Krisha ran to him and jumped on his arms, making him hug her tightly....

Rishi: You are back?

Krisha: Finally....

Rishi: Yeah finally, God I missed you so damn much.

Krisha: I know baby, that's why I came before a week itself,  so that I can see this reaction on your face and to be in your arms.

Rishi: I love you , I love you so much,  I cant believe that I spent eight months without you...

Krisha: Even I cant believe we did it, I love you too Rishi....

Rishi kissed her forehead tightly,  and she kissed his cheek.

Naina: Guys.... I'm still here ....

Krisha: Naina!!!!! Babe I missed you so much....

Naina: I missed you too krishuu.

Girls hugged each other,  and krisha spent the rest of the time with Rishi and Naina ,
mostly with Rishi specifically till the other brothers come.

Aarav: Krisha? You are back...

Krisha: Aarav bhai...

She ran to his arms , even he reciprocated the hug happily ....
At that time even shub and Abhay came from the practices , they were shocked to see krisha too...

Krisha: Abhay.... shub.... I missed you both....

She hugged both of them together...

Abhay: it's been so longggg...

Shub: We are so glad you are back krisha ..

He said with a genuine smile,  which made them all smile...

Krisha: Yes finally ....

They retired to their room after having dinner together...
krisha was having a sleepover there.

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