Chapter 25🥀

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Writer's POV

In college ,

Aashi was roaming around the college finding Mayan and Ahana.
She doesn't have a habit to walk normally, she always jump and walks or squeeling....
That how bubbly she is.

She tripped and was going to fall , when suddenly a boy holder her from her waist to prevent her from falling.

She opened her eyes just to see her childhood best friend.
She stood up instantly.

Aashi: oh my god, Arnav.

Arnav: Hey my girl!!!

She hugged him tightly.

Aashi: It's been so long , since I met you , where were you idiot ?
I missed you a lot .
But you made sure to disappear suddenly.

Arnav: I was in America, because of dad's transfer and I lost your number, sorry I couldn't contact you .... But look at you.....
You look damn beautiful and hot too.

He said winking. Aashi smacked his hand.

Aashi: Idiot , but to be honest even you have become handsome, but still the same idiot.
So have you found a girlfriend for yourself?

Arnav: Not yet Aashi.

Aashi: Woah that's suprising, but why ?

Arnav: I didn't find you na . If you were there then I would have got you as my girlfriend.

Aashi: you are still the same ,flirt!!!, how come you are here?

Arnav: new admission. I'm continuing my degree here.

Aashi: Wow that's awesome, we can have fun like before.

Arnav: Yes beautiful.

All these were noticed by two pair of eyes. Yes , by Mayan.
Mayan came to them.

Mayan: Aashi?

Aashi: Mayan!!!! Come and meet him , he is Arnav , he was my childhood Best friend, but he disappeared suddenly, now he's back and guess what, he's gonna study in our college I'm so happy.

Mayan gave her a fake smile.

Aashi: Arnav, and he's Mayan my best friend... And he's a famous cricketer too....

She said interlocking her arm with Mayan's arm.

Arnav: Hey man .

Mayan just nodded with the fakest smile in the whole world.

Arnav: So you replaced me Aashi?

He said while pulling her to him from Mayan.
Arnav side hugged her while Mayan were fuming with anger or shall I say with jealousy.

Aashi: I never replaced you....stop talking nonsense.

Mayan: Aashi , I need to talk to you.

Aashi: Tell na.

Mayan: Privately.

He said eyeing Arnav.

Aashi: then we will talk later Mayan, now only I met Arnav and no way I'm leaving him today.

Mayan: Aashi ,I said come with me.

Aashi frowned as he never spoke sternly with her.
He didn't give her time to talk , he pulled her with him .

Aashi: Bye Arnav, I'll catch you later.

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