Chapter 36🥀

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Writer's POV

Krisha and Rishi were talking on phone ....

Krisha: I miss you and all Rishi, what happend to all us?
Why we got separated like this suddenly?

Rishi: I ask the same question from myself everyday babe ....
but people say na there comes a bad phase in everyone's life , this must be ours....

Krisha: But I'm glad you are always with me ....

Rishi:You are far away from me, but it didn’t change what I feel for you.
There is nothing I can do even if I miss you than to, wait for your return.
I miss you with all of me too, and I am sure nothing can measure the happiness in my heart when you come back to me...

Krisha got emotional....

Krisha: I will be there soon Rishi, and I promise to make up for all the lost times we missed.
We will build a lot of memories that will compete with those who were never apart. I will show you how much I love you once we reunite. 

They kissed the screen of their phone and smiled at each other.

Aashi was in her college when she got a call from Mayan's father...

Aashi: Hello uncle ...

She greeted cheerfully...

Uncle:Hi Aashi, I wanted to talk to you privately, can we meet today after your college?

Aashi: yeah uncle.... no problem ,tell me where I have to come uncle.

Uncle: Yeah , I will send you the place and time...

Aashi: Ok uncle.

Uncle: And aashi it will be better if you dont tell Mayan about our meeting.

Aashi was confused but then she agreed.

In the evening they met in a cafe , Aashi was late by ten minutes ...Mayan's father was already seated on a table .

Aashi: Hiiiii uncle,  I'm so sorry , I got late , one of my professor wanted to talk to me and I had to complete your son's notes too, as he's busy with his practices...being a girlfriend of a cricketer is not easy at all....
umm sorry uncle I am talking nonsense..

She smiled nervously and got seated..

Uncle: That's ok dear, I will order you a coffee.

Aashi: um I dont like coffee uncle , chocolate milkshake will go.

Uncle: ok

They got their orders, and they both were silent for sometime.

Uncle: what I'm gonna tell you today is something really important Aashi , and it would be better if only we both will know about this ...

Aashi was getting negative vibes, but she nodded with a small fake smile .

Uncle: I will come to the point straightaway Aashi, I think you and Mayan should take a break from your relationship.

Aashi was beyond shock...

Aashi: What? But why uncle? Everything is fine between us... we love each other uncle...

Uncle: I know Aashi,  but I think you are a hurdle to his career.
His performances is getting poor day by day, and he doesn't think about anything else , except you...

Aashi: uncle , we all are having problems these days , but I always support him in his career, I would never want to be a hurdle in his life . Their would be noone happier than me when I see him get successful in his career.

Aashi said with tears flowing down from her eyes.

Uncle: For that you have to leave him Aashi, 
I never thought that i would have to tell this but you are really childish,  you are not serious about your life , you never never think about the life practically,  you dont take things serious,  carefree and sometime irresponsible , you are literally a child darling, 
You are someone who thinks only about the present not about the future and that affects him, he have to take care of you always...
when you get sick he leaves everything and rush to you , he can't see anything beyond you ...
and that's a huge problem to his career , his concentration is not in one place , he's facing problems because of you... and that I dont want....for that I think it will be better if you both part aways...

Aashi couldn't believe her ears, tears were uncontrollably flowing from her eyes.

Aashi: I thought you both liked me uncle

Uncle: We loved you daughter ,we still do, mayan's mom doesnt even know about all this,  it's just I cant see my son being a failure,  so please dear,
I hope you understand my point of view, 
I cant discuss this with Mayan, I know how much he loves you ... and I know how much you love him too , so I think for your love's sake you will go away from him ...please daughter, please...

Aashi was totally broken ...

Aashi: Uncle , I can't even think of a life without Mayan,  but after said.... I....have this.... I ....will...go.... away....uncle dont have to worry anymore..

With that she ran away from the cafe without even galancing at Mayan's dad.

Uncle: I'm sorry Aashi, but I'm helpless   I don't want you to be a hurdle in my son's sorry

Aashi drove to her home, whole way she was trying to digest what Mayan's dad said.
There was noone at home .... she broke down completely....she didn't knew how she's gonna leave her family and her love .

Aashi's POV

I cant stay away from Mayan , if I stay here, in this house and in this country too maybe....
Everything is a mess , I thought atleast we both will be together, but now even that's impossible....
uncle is right, I'm childish,  I don't take things serious,  I'm irresponsible,  and someone like me don't deserve Mayan,
I cant let him and his family suffer because of me ,
even I want to see him getting more successful,  and that's not possible of I'm with him....
I have to leave him and everyone else too...
but how I'm gonna stay without my brothers and mom?
I have never been away from them , not even for a day, but for how many days , will I stay like this?
I have to be more responsible,  I'm not a kid anymore , I have to leave my childinshness,  I have to change my self , and for that I have to leave, yes , I have to leave as soon as possible ....

She cried the whole night , sleep was far away from her . Her brothers came to check up on her , but she pretended to be asleep. Mayan called her numerous times, she switched off her phone .....Mayan was worried but ignored thinking that she's tired.

Here goes the 36th chapter guys.....

So yeah no more problems to come , this is the last thing ....

It will take time to solve this problems...

Let's see how their future gonna be , and how they gonna pass this bad phase.

See you all in the next chapter guys...

Stay safe 🥀

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