Chapter 31🥀

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Writer's POV

Virat and Anushka cut their anniversary cake and they all started having drinks , one by one all of them went to the dancing floor and started dancing like there's no tomorrow....

Abhay: Do you know how hot you look today ?

Ahana: Oh really? How hot do I look?

Abhay: You look so hot that, only I know how I'm controlling myself from proposing you...

Ahana blushed..

Ahana: so who told you to control yourself?

Abhay: Not today love , I want it to be special, that day will come soon.

Ahana: I hope it won't be too late.

Abhay: It won't ...

Mayan: Baby are you drunk?

Aashi: Idiot , I didn't even have a single drink, you know na that I don't drink .

Mayan: I know you don't drink , but why are you dancing like this ?

Aashi: Oh my apple cake !!! What will I do with you ?
Can't you see that, I'm having fun,
I don't know why , I want to dance happily today as if it's the last day I'm gonna dance happily like This....

Mayan: You are a master piece baby seriously...

Aashi: Thank you Mayu....

Mayan: ugh , don't call me that, it sounds so girly...

Aashi: So what ? However in our relationship I'm doing the boyfriend's part and you are doing the girlfriend's part na , so that's ok .

Mayan: You my cute bundle of drama.......

He pulled and kissed her cheek numerous time making her giggle.

Aashi: idiot ...

They started dancing again...

Monisha and shub were dancing together .... They were lost in each other's eyes as if it's the last time they gonna see each other.

Monisha: I want to use the washroom.

Shub: ok go ahead, shall I come to show you the way ?

Monisha: No I will manage .

Monisha turned to go but shub held her hand to stop her .
Shub kissed her forehead.

Shub: now go.

Monisha smiled and went to the washroom...
The corridor to the washroom was empty ....
When she was returning from the washroom she was pinned to the wall by two strong arms...
When she noticed the face of the man who have caged her , she was shocked.

Monisha: Rohan? Leave me Rohan , what are you doing ??what's wrong with you ?

Rohan: Oh come on, I didn't stop you  here to leave you babe ,
just look at you , you are so sexy and hot ,
and I know , why you are with shub , for money right ?
Even he's using you , they are celebrities ,
girls are like tissue papers for them ,
use and throw...
come to me beautiful, I will give whatever you want , just for one night , be mine..

Tears were Rolling down from her eyes without stopping ...
She was struggling to go , She was shouting but because of the music , no-one heard her ...
she felt helpless. Rohan inched towards her face , she kicked his leg and got rid of his hold.

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