Chapter 19🥀

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Writer's POV

Next day they all bunked their work so that they could spend time with Aashi.

Mayan was back to normal now after the conversation he had with Aashi last night.
They all were in the  sitting room.
All the couples were sitting together.
Mrs.Malhothra went to Malhothra industries as Aarav and Naina both planned to stay at home.

They played truth and dare and was enjoying ,till the evening.

Suddenly Aashi remembered something.

Aashi: Mayan , what happened to the person who did the accident? Actually he is not at fault alone , even I was wrong na ,
I should have been careful too.

Boys ignored what she said and looked here and there.
Girls looked at them suspiciously.

Abhay: why are you all looking like that?

Monisha: Rishi Bhai, Aarav Bhai , atleast you both tell me what happened?
Because we know you both won't lie .

Boys looked at each other.
Aarav sighed .

Aarav: He was drunk and driving at that time , Mayan rememberd his face and  car number and we found him .
And he's in lockup now.

Naina: Before you all took him to the police station, you all didn't do anything?

Shub: no we didn't.

Girls glared at them.

Rishi: ok fine we beat him . How can we leave him? And we beat him only a little.

Krisha: little?

Boys nodded slowly.

Monisha: why a little ? You guys should have broke his hands and legs.

Krisha: yeah so that he can't drive again!!!!

Ahana: And you should have told us too na , even I would have join you all in beating him.

Naina: yeah ... Why didn't you all tell us.

Girls said gritting their teeth.
Boys smirked while Aashi gaped at them with shock.

Aashi: Are you guys even serious? Why would you all do that? Even I was at fault na.

Shub: no even he was at fault , he should have let you Cross the road. Or atleast slowdown the car.

Others: exactly.

Aashi: you guys are impossible!!! And you Mayan, how did you remember that man's face ? that's too when I was unconscious?

Mayan: How can I forget about someone who hurt you ?

Mayan Said sincerely, they were having an eyelock. Girls were smiling .
While boys were looking at them suspiciously.

Aarav: What ? What do you mean by that ?

They broke the eyelock and was looking here and there as they both were speechless. Girls understood that boys were damn serious.

Ahana: Bhai , it''s our rule ... Like we three are best friends na , so we make sure to punish , or teach a lesson to the person who hurt one of us. So Mayan Said that only.

Shub: oh ok .

At that time Mrs.Malhothra came with Naina's parents .

Mrs.Agarawal: How are you Aashi darling?

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