Chapter 6🥀

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Writer's POV

It was the day before launch party of Rishi and Krisha's music video .
Shub called Monisha.

Shub: Hello.

Monisha: Hi yeah shub

Shub: I have an invitation for you behalf of Rishi.

Monisha: um hm okay what is it ?

Shub: It's Rishi's new music video's launch party tomorrow, so he wants you to come , and Aashi
wants you to come too.

Monisha: Okay, so only they both want me to come .

Shub: even Abhay wants you to come, most of the boys from the team also will be there . Try to come .

Monisha: That's all ? Someone else doesn't want me to come?

Shub: yeah that's all.

Monisha: Hmm ok then I will think about it because the one who called me and telling me that others wants  me to come, doesn't admit that he wants me to come too.

Shub: What ? I mean ofcourse I want you to come that's why I called you and inviting you .

Monisha: so you should have told like that na , what was the need to take others names.

Shub: sorry .

Monisha : chill shub, I was just kidding , send me the address , I'll be there . Ok

Shub: don't worry I'll come to pick you up.

Monisha : ok then bye .

Shub: bye

Launch party day.

All were ready and came to the Hotel where the party is taking place .
The Malhothra family was looking really good but it felt incomplete as their dad is not there.
He stay out of the country most of the time because of their family business.
Shub came with Monisha.
Even Mayan came with other boys .

Aashi: hello ahana where are you?

Ahana: I'm waiting for a cab dude .

Aashi: don't worry I'll send someone to pick you up.

Ahana: okay.

Aashi: Mayan can you go and pick Ahana?

Monisha: Aashi let Abhay go na , however he was going out now.

Aashi: is it Bhai ?

Abhay: yeah actually I have got to take some things I'll pick up ahana also .

Aashi: ok cool.

Abhay went after muttering a thank you to Monisha. And she winked .

Naina's family came to the party but she was not there.

Rishi: uncle where's Naina?

Uncle: she said she will get ready and come from the office itself . Maybe she's still in the office

Aarav: she's still in the office? Uncle but  I told her to go home early .

Shub: so go and check on her Bhai .

Aarav: I'll go and get her .

Aarav went to office and looked for her everywhere, all the staff has left , even the Watchman is nowhere to be seen .

Aarav: Naina!!!!! Naina where are you ?

Aarav was sweating he was scared about Naina , he was worried about her .

Naina came out from the washroom fixing her hair and she had her Bluetooth on her ears because of which she couldn't hear Aarav's calling .

Aarav saw her and sighed in relief, Naina was confused to see him there .
Aarav ran towards her and hugged her tightly, while she held his waist for balance.

Naina: What happend sir?

He broke the hug after Sometime .

Aarav: you are ok right?

He asked cupping her face .

Naina: yeah I'm fine sir . What happened?

Aarav: I was looking for you everywhere , I was shouting your name , how you didn't hear?

Naina: I had my Bluetooth plugged in . Sorry .

Aarav: That's ok come let's go .

He interwined his hand with her and took her to the car while she was admiring seeing  his best friend Aarav after a long time in her grumpy boss.

Aarav was driving , they both were quiet.

Naina: sir?

Aarav: you can call me by name now Naina , we are not in the office right now .

Naina: ok Aarav? Were you worried for me ? Like you looked tensed , so that's why I'm asking you.

Aarav was startled by the sudden question .

Aarav: I know you are my PA for six months, but remember one thing ,still you are my best friend too .
So Ofcourse I was worried when I couldn't find you anywhere .

Naina was overwhelmed with his answer .
She hugged his arm which was rested on the gear.
He smiled looking at her .

Naina: Thank you Aarav.

Aarav hummed in reply . She broke the hug and they left to the party .

Abhay's POV

I'm gonna buy Monisha whatever she wants tomorrow for getting me this opportunity to pick up  Ahana from her hostel.
I can spend some time with her till we reach the venue.
There she is looking so pretty in that outfit .
Wow , for me my mom and sister were the most beautiful ladies in my life , but I think another one is going to join that list .

I got out from the car and she smiled looking at me .

Ahana: Hey Abhay , you are looking good and sorry for the trouble , actually I tried calling a cab but non was available.

Me: Thank you Ahana  and you look really pretty and no need to say sorry , we invited you so you are our responsibility.

Ahana: that's so  sweet of you . Shall we go .

Me: Yeah.

I opened the car door for her and she got in after muttering a thanks . Huh look such a gentleman I am .

Me: I heard that you live in hostel instead of staying at your home which is just near by ,
is there any specific reason for that? I mean you can tell if you don't mind .

Ahana: oh that's completely fine, you can ask me anything,
yeah the reason is I wanted to experience hostel life , it's not that happening nor boring too .
I like it , it's different , I always want to experience something different in my life , so this is one of them.

Me: you are really unique.

Ahana: I know right ha ha ha

I don't know what's happening to me whenever I am with her , her smile , her looks , her blabbering,why does each and everything about her attracts me towards her? What's happening to me ?

Here goes chapter 6 guys...

Excited for the launch party?

Please let me know your comments.....

See you all in the next chapter..

Stay safe 🥀

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