Chapter 38🥀

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Writer's POV

Its been four months since Aashi left the country , and five months since the other girls left the country.

In these five months everything turned upside down in their lives.
Malhothra brothers thought that their little princess will come back to them within a week or two,  but no, she didnt , she gave them their address and number but whenever they used to call her, she would never talk to them properly.
She never answered  Mayan's calls.
She distanced herself from everyone. She turned into a girl who is lifeless and very serious about life.
She is someone completely different to the Aashi who all loved and pampered.

Mayan have become one of the most popular and talented cricketer of the Indian cricket team, he rarely spent time with others , after Aashi left, he forgot to live his life. He  only concentrated on cricket as he promised Aashi.

Shub found About Monisha's whereabouts and contact number too, but she never answered his calls nor other's calls.
As monisha had a bachelor degree in hospitality and business management,  she became a wedding planner,
she have a small company of her own , she worked really hard in this past five months ,
so that she can forget all her stress and become successful.
Shub is doing great in cricket as usual. But there was not even a single second when he not missed Monisha.
He regretted and blames himself for whatever happened in  their life .

Ahana and Abhay are smoothly handling their relationship, distance is not a problem to them at all.
They talk to each other everyday , and their love blossoms every second.
Ahana is continuing her studies there , while Abhay is doing well in cricket too, they have got a new team manager, but they always missed their favourite team manager Monisha.
And Abhay missed irritating her doll.

Krisha and Rishi, were also managing their long distance relationship really well.
Krisha was broken with whatever happened between the only family she got.
She is one of the most famous model in the whole world now .
Rishi as usual , the rockstar of the country.
He travels all around the world for his shows.
Only three months left and krisha will come  back to him again, and their counting days for their reunion.

Only one month more and Naina will be back to India,
she always blames herself ,that she couldn't be there with Aashi and her in laws, as well as friends when they needed her.
She took their Canada company to heights  with her hardwork.
She did justice to the responsibilities she had as a daughter, and Aarav was very supportive throughout this five months.

The malhothra siblings were not the same anymore ,
they all rarely spoke to each other,  malhothra mansion lost its grace after Aashi left ,
their mom made herself busy with business so that she won't miss her daughter.
Malhothra brothers wanted to see their little princess terribly, 
and They felt ashamed of themselves as they still couldn't find out, what made their sister leave the country.

Naina goes to work daily and return to her apartment late in the night everyday .
As usual today also she was late and she came back home exhausted. 
She opened the main door of her apartment,  and went inside .
Fragrance of Roses were filled in the whole house.
The lights were off but the whole sitting area was decorated with candles.
She was astonished to see all that ,
she switched on the lights , just to witness , her husband standing in front of her.

Naina's POV

Oh my God!!!! No, is it Aarav? Like no impossible, I think I'm dreaming !!!

Aarav: No you are not dreaming Baby , it's me, I'm here for real and yeah surprise!!!!

Oh no , its him...
I ran towards him and jumped on him, hugging him tightly , my legs were around his waist as he lifted me .
Tears were flowing down from my eyes without stopping .
It's been five months since I felt his warmth. 
Non of us wanted to to break the hug.
I slowly got down and stared at him shamelessly,  as if it's the first time I'm seeing him.

Me: How did you come here ? I mean why didnt you tell me ?

Aarav: I wanted to see your reaction so I thought to surprise you,  I missed you so much baby. And I couldn't wait for another month, so I came.

Me: I missed you too.

With that he kissed me , even I reciprocated , showing how much we missed each other through it.

Me: I love you Aarav.

Aarav: I love you more baby , and yeah go and freshen up , I ordered dinner for us .
And I'm here for  week. Let's make up for all the moments we missed in this five months.

I nodded and left to my room ,
so I can change faster and spend time with my love ,
Aarav is the best husband, someone can ever get.
His love and care is unimaginable. 
And he supports me in my each and every second.
All say that there's a woman behind every man's success,
but no, In my case, Aarav is behind my each and every success.
He is my backbone and my whole life.  I'm so lucky to have him in my life.
I wish I could free him from all the stress and solve his all the problems,
I wish I could bring everything back to normal,  I dont know when I will see my second family together again.....

Here goes the chapter 38 guys....

Hope you all liked it....

Please comment and vote guys...

See you all in the next chapter....

Stay safe 🥀

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