Chapter 11🥀

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Writer's POV

Next day they had to handover their assignments, Ahana, Aashi and Mayan three of them completed their assignments.
They were sitting on the back benches .
Their professor was collecting their assignments.

Aashi got an idea and nudged Ahana, Aashi was sitting in between ahana and Mayan .

Ahana: What?

Aashi: Ready for some fun?

Ahana: Always , but what's going on in your mind ?

Aashi winked and messaged Abhay .

Aashi: Bhai !!!!! Bhai!!!!! Call Mayan right now !!!!! It's urgent .

He replied instantly as he was worried to get a message from his sister at that time .

Abhay: Why princess?

Aashi: just call him right now till he answer the call .

Abhay: ok .

The professor came near them and collected their assignments.
Before he turn to go back Mayan's phone rang .

Mayan: What the hell!!! Shit I'm gone.

He cut the call but Abhay called him again making their professor angry .

Professor: Mayan!!! You know well that I don't allow phones in my period .
I hate disturbances!!!!

Mayan: sorry sir . I...

He couldn't complete as Abhay called him again .
Aashi and Ahana were having a hard time controlling their laugh.

Professor: Mayan !!! Get out of my class right now !!!!

Mayan looked at Aashi and Ahana and they gave him a sympathetic look suppressing their laughter.

Mayan left from the classroom.

Ahana: That was too fun Aashi ha ha ha .

Aashi: I know but I feel bad for him now , why don't we join him too?

Ahana: Sir threw him out of the class , he have not gone on a trip that we can join him .

Aashi: I have an idea . Just pull my hair .

Ahana: What ?

Aashi: Can't you and your going to be boyfriend do something without asking what and why?

Ahana: What are you saying? My going to be boyfriend?

Aashi: Forget it and just pull my hair .

Ahana Pulled hair lightly, Aashi screamed making everyone scared as if Ahana's Trying to kill her .

Ahana: What the hell! Why are you screaming girl?

Aashi: oh god just go on with the drama ,now your turn to show your acting skills darling .

She said winking , and Ahana got what she's trying to do .
Even Aashi pulled her hair lightly and Ahana screamed .

Professor: What's going on there? Ahana , Aashi!!!!!

Aashi: Sir she pulled my hair .

Ahana: Even she did .

Aashi: ugh, I'm not gonna leave you how dare you to , mess up with me .

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