Chapter 15🥀

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Writer's POV

Next morning Aarav woke up early , and woke up others too except Naina. 
They all were sleepy .

Monisha's head was on Shub's shoulder.
Aashi was hugging Rishi's arm while Krisha was caressing her hair.

Abhay: what the hell Bhai? Why did you wake us so early ?

Aashi: yes Bhai , I'm so sleepy.

Krisha: is everything ok Bhai?

Mayan: guys will you all shut up ? Then only he can tell na .

Aarav: Thank you Mayan, he is the only sensible person here.

That's it, Aashi started coughing like a mad , Mayan rolled his eyes at her drama.

Aashi: Stop joking early in the morning Big B.

All laughed .

Aarav:ok guys so the thing is , I..... I I'm gonna ...

Shub: oh my god you are stammering Bhai , and that's so damn shocking.

Aarav: shut up idiot , so I'm gonna propose Naina for marriage .

Others: What!!!!????

They literally screamed.

Aarav: stop screaming guys, she's sleeping.

Their sleep just flew away after what they heard.

Rishi: Straightway marriage? You, you love her?

Krisha smacked his head.

Krisha: ofcourse he does , you are blind or what?

Rishi: wow.

Aarav: yes guys , I love her, I mean since childhood, but now only I realized, and I know she loves me too so I don't want to keep her awaiting.

Girls: Wooowwww

With that girls hugged him tightly, and he chuckled.

Aashi: Finally my big B got brains !!!

Monisha: Wow first marriage of our  gang!!!!

Ahana: I just love weddings....

Mayan: Abhay , think about it ah. The is path is clear it seems.

Ahana smacked his arm harder. Making all laugh.

Shub: But are you sure Bhai? Isn't is too fast?

Abhay: He is already old, he can't wait anymore, if he start dating now , then they will end up marrying when Bhai is 35.

Aarav: shut up.

Then boys attacked him with a hug.

Abhay: finally we gonna get Naina Di as our sister in law.

Aarav: you guys are happy right?

Others: more than happy!!!!

Aashi: this is the best descion you have taken so far Big B.

Aarav smiled and caressed her hair.

Aarav: so yeah guys I need your help , to arrange everything.

Ahana: we will keep her busy, don't worry Bhai .

Aarav: Thanks and boys please help with the decorations.

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