Chapter 51🥀

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Writer's POV

Mayan couldn't believe his ears....
He never thought that his dad will be the person to ruin his life....
He hung the phone ....
He was boiling with anger,  he took his car keys and drove to his place ....
Aashi saw him driving out of Malhothra mansion and saw how angry he was at that moment...
she called him but he didn't care....
Aashi was really worried...

Naina and Aarav were cuddling with each other in their room....

Aarav: Naina baby...

Naina: Hmm

Aarav: Have you noticed that you have become little fat.

Naina: Wtf!!! How can you call me fat?

Aarav: Baby don't curse!!!! Our Baby will hear!!!!

Naina: I will not curse, I'm gonna kill you now!!!!

Aarav: I'm sorry baby, but its normal to become little chubby when you are pregnant,  and you are still the most beautiful girl in the whole world for me ....

Naina:Will you stop loving me , as I'm fat now ? And my body will not be the same after the delivery na.

Aarav: I loved you ,not for your outer appearance Naina,
I love you for who you are....
And you are my baby , for me you are always  beautiful and I always love you .....

Naina: Awwwww....

Naina pecked his cheeks....
Aarav eyed her lips and got closer to her , making her close her eyes,
but at that moment they heard a sound which made them jerk away from each other....

Aashi: Bhai!!!!! Di!!!! Someone please come out....

All her brothers and sisters came running, hearing her voice and saw her panicked.

Shub: What happend princess?

Aashi: Bhai, Mayan.... He looked really angry and he went somewhere in his car....

Aarav: What? When?

Aashi: Just now bhai.... please take me to him.... I'm really worried ... please bhai....

Krisha: Darling please stop crying , we all will go ok...

Abhay: Yeah guys let's go....

They all followed Mayan and found him stuck in the traffic .... he was driving towards his home....
they tried calling him , but he didn't hear....

Aashi's POV

He's going home? But why is he so angry ? Did he get to know the truth? Oh no!!!! This can't happen....No ....

Writer's POV

She got a call from Harshu and she answered it ....

Harshu: Aashi...Where's Mayan?

Aashi: He's going to his home,  and he looks really angry , I'm scared that he got to know about the truth.

Harshu: Shit!!!

Aashi:How did you know that

Harshu: I'm really sorry Aashi, but I was helpless to tell the truth...

Aashi: But you promised me , that  you won't?

Harshu: I know but , he told me to tell the truth for your sake , and I couldn't do anything else.... I'm really sorry...
Wouldn't you do the same if you were in my place?

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