chapter 21🥀

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Writer's POV

In college Mayan and Aashi was waiting for their lecture to start. They both were chatting with each other , when a girl came and started Flirting with Mayan.
She was almost throwing herself on him.
Mayan was uncomfortable but he can't be rude with her fans , so he tolerated her behaviour,
but Aashi was fuming with anger.

Aashi's POV

What the pineapple pie!!!! How dare she to cling on to my Mayan, I so wish I don't have this cast on my hand now,
I would have pulled her hair , and punched her beautiful face which is covered with tons of make up, and throw her into a lake filled with crocodiles!!!!
In short I want to  kill her!!!!!

Writer's POV.

Aashi: Excuse me ,

Girl: yes.

Aashi: If your fangirling session is over , then can you please get lost from here.

Mayan: Aashi.

Aashi: oh you just shut up.

Girl: What the hell?

Aashi: look, I was talking to him , before you came , but you disturbed us, and I hate  people who interfere. So it will be better , if you get lost from here ,right now !!!

She finished it with fake sweet smile. That girl glared her and went.

Mayan: From when you became so rude Aashi?

At that time a boy came and informed that Thier lecture got cancelled.

Aashi ignored Mayan and stood up from the bench, so that she can leave , but she tripped and was going to fall,
at the right time Mayan held her. And made her sit.

Mayan: What the hell Aashi? You would have hurt yourself!!!
Already your hand is fractured and you are suffering with that !!!!
isn't that enough ? that you are planning to hurt yourself again !!!

Aashi behaved as if she didn't Hear anything.

Mayan: Why are you ignoring me now ?

Aashi: What's your problem?
Go and talk to that make up caked face cow!!! 
why do you care about me ?
just shut up and wait or I will kill you!!!

She said gritting her teeth , Mayan understood her problem and moved towards her with a smirk on his face.

Mayan: So you are jealous?

Aashi: What rubbish..... I'm not !!!

Mayan: Oh come on ,admit it , you are jealous, right Miss. Aashi Malhothra?

He wisphered in her ear.

Aashi: yes I'm jealous!!! So what?

Mayan: Don't worry , I'm only yours  cutie.

Mayan said with a smile , which made Aashi blush.
After few minutes they broke their eyelock.

Mayan: Come , let's go to the cafeteria.

Aashi: hmm let's go.

After a month .

Today the doctor is gonna remove Aashi's cast from her hand.
As it's recovered.
Her brothers accompanied her to the hospital.
Doctor removed the cast from her hand .

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