Gaming e.o

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Nobody's pov:
Tonight was a night that Elizabeth dreaded every week. Friday. It was your gaming night where you would be sat at your desk all night playing on the ps5 Elizabeth had gotten you for your birthday, which meant she would get no attention whatsoever. She always craved your attention but on Fridays she wanted it more than anything.

Elizabeth's pov:
I was laid on the bed, resting on my elbows watching Y/n as she played with her friends, she occasionally shouted at them for doing something wrong but most of the time she was very concentrated. It had been hours since she said she was going to be 5 minutes and I wanted her attention, I wanted to cuddle her in bed whilst watching a movie but all she wanted to do was play silly games with her friends. I stood up walking towards her chair and sat on her lap hoping that she would give me some attention but I got nothing. I took off my shirt to reveal a black laced bra and I hid my face in the crook of her neck kissing it occasionally. It had been a good 10 minutes and I still got nothing so I did what I had to do, I stood up taking off my jeans leaving me in black laced underwear and I threw my jeans across the room. I sat down on her lap and began to grind my hips on her. She grunted a little and held me by my waist.

"I think I'm gonna log off now, see ya!" She said into her headset before turning to face me.

She kissed along my jaw line and picked me up, dropping me onto the bed and I laid down waiting for what was yet to happen..

A/n: Sorry this is bad but I wrote it last night but At least this time it's proof read! I'll try and upload some more today but I might upload on my other things instead.

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