Stepmum E.O

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You had a baby girl with Scarlett called Olivia (idk) when you were married but now you're engaged to Lizzie

(Y/n's pov)
I stood in the doorway of mine and Lizzie's bedroom watching her. She was sat on the bed with Olivia and she was changing her nappy (diaper). I loved how Lizzie took care of Liv like she was her own, she is a great step mum to her.

Olivia didn't get much sleep last night because she was afraid of the thunder so she came and slept in our bed for the night which meant she was really tired. I watched how Lizzie carefully took off her pyjamas and picked her up when she cried because of the cold. She stroked Olivia's back with her fingers and she soon calmed down.

Elizabeth then put her back down, gently, and began to put her in a cute onesie. After she was in a new outfit, Lizzie laid down and put Olivia on her chest for her to sleep for a little while.

It was probably one of the most cute sights I've ever seen. My soon to be wife and daughter cuddling on our bed. I laid down next to them and kissed both of their foreheads before pulling the blankets over all of us.

"I love you Y/n" Lizzie said in a raspy voice. "I love you more beautiful" I replied and rested my head on her shoulder and we all fell asleep.

*time skip to next morning bc I can*

I was gathering some of Olivia's things that she needed to go back to Scarlett's whilst Lizzie was in the living room keeping Liv occupied. I put all her stuff in a bag and then went downstairs to see both of them with their shoes on and coats since it was cold.

I giggled at the sight of Lizzie holding Olivia whilst she was trying to get the fur out of her mouth from her coat. I opened the door of us all and locked it, I got in the drivers side as Lizzie was bucking Olivia into her car seat. "You got it?" I asked and she hummed yes.

She got into the passenger seat and I placed one hand on her thigh whilst the other was on the steering wheel. When we arrived at Scarlett's, Lizzie grabbed the bag and I picked up Olivia from her seat.

We walked to the front door and rang the doorbell, Lizzie kissed Olivia's head and hugged her. "I'm gonna miss you baby" she said as she caressed her cheek. I smiled at her cuteness and then I kissed her cheek.

Scarlett opened the door with her arms out for her. I kissed Olivia's forehead and hugged her "I'm gonna miss you Babygirl" I said before passing her to Scarlett. "I'll drop her off to you on Thursday and can you bring her back on Sunday again?" She asked and I nodded

"Bye bye mammas" Olivia said and waved to both of us and blew kisses. I giggled and kissed her head one more time before getting back in the car with Lizzie. "I miss her already" I said and she laughed. "It's okay!! We will see her again in 4 days" she replied and I started the car.

A/n: bit boring but I don't have a single idea what to write anymore :)

Word count: 570

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