Daughter moments pt.1 e.o

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Georgia is ur daughter and she is 3 years old

Y/n's pov:
Me, Lizzie and Georgia were on a plane coming home from a family holiday in England and we were all sat together on the plane thankfully. Georgia was sat on my lap watching some kids show on the screen in front of us whilst Lizzie was trying to get our daughter to eat something and I was just laughing my head off.

"Cmon Georgia, you have to eat! If you eat this sandwich we will get you a room makeover!" Lizzie tried bribing her but it didn't work. "I like my room already momma" she replied to Lizzie and my wife just gave me a death stare. "Why did she have to get your stubbornness, she could've had anything else" Lizzie complained and I just laughed.

"Pass me the sandwich please baby." I asked and she gave it to me. "Baby please will you eat this sandwich for mommy?" I asked Georgia and she smiled at me and took it. She began eating it and Lizzie just glared at her "That settles it, she loves you more than she loves me" Lizzie said and slumped back in her chair

"Momma didn't ask nice enough, mommy did" Georgia said and I just laughed before Lizzie smacked my arm. "I asked so nice the first times-" Elizabeth said but was cut off by me placing a hand gently over her mouth. "Stop complaining, she's finished it now darling" I gestured to The sandwich box and it was empty.  "Whatever" Lizzie sighed which just made me laugh again.

Georgia is still 3
Y/n's pov:
I was laid in bed with Lizzie, she was still peacefully sleeping , or that's what I thought. She shuffled and rested her head on my chest whilst holding onto my bicep.

I head our bedroom door open and Georgia came running onto our bed and straight into my arms. "What's wrong baby?" I asked and she began to shed some tears. "I had a bad dream, mommy" she replied and I hugged her even tighter. "Awh, baby, are you okay?" I asked and she gave me a nod. She told me what it was about and soon stopped crying. "Can we tell momma?" She asked and looked over to her. "Not just yet baby" I replied and she frowned "why?" "Because shes asleep and she hasn't got much sleep these past few days and she's really tired." I told her and she nodded.

"Can we go downstairs or to the park!?" She asked and her face lit up. "I'm sorry baby but not right now!" I apologised and she looked confused. "Why?" "Because your momma gets nightmares and worries about us a lot and if she woke up and we weren't here she would worry a lot and we don't want that, do we?" I explained and she shook her head.

Lizzie's pov:
'Because your momma gets nightmares and worries about us a lot and if she woke up and we weren't here she would worry a lot and we don't want that, do we?'

I heard Y/n say and my heart melted at that moment. I loved her so so so so soo much. I opened my eyes and Georgias face lit up. "MOMMA!!" She exclaimed and jumped onto my stomach which made me groan. "I had the worst dream ever mommy!" She said and I kissed her forehead and began to listen to her explain her dream.

A/n: not sure how I feel about this but let me know in the comments!

Word count: 602

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