Attention e.o

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(Lizzie's pov)
Y/n had been sat on the sofa on her phone for hours now, I didn't even think she knew I was here! I had tried getting her attention but she would only mumble something and continue scrolling through her phone.

"Y/n" I said

"Y/n" I repeated

I had said her name like 10 times and I still got nothing! I had seen this thing on tiktok where you try a bunch of things to get your partners attention so I decided to give it a go.

I had sat on her lap and began to play with the baby hairs on the back of her neck but she didn't pay me any attention.

"Babyy!!" I whined

"Darling!" I said


"Are you okay!?" I asked

I still got nothing apart from a few giggles she let out after watching a video. I began to kiss along her jawline and then made my way down to her neck, leaving a few marks.

She instantly put down her phone and tilted her head so I could have more room to kiss her. I pulled away and looked her in her eyes.

"I knew that would grab your attention!"

"Wha- so your not going to carry on!?" She whined

"Nope, just wanted your attention!" I replied

She hit my arm playfully and kissed my hand.

"You could have just asked!" She said

"I wish I had thought of that!" I said sarcastically

"Your evil" she replied

"I know!" I answered

"Now what movie should we watch?!" I said moving from her lap

She shook her head at me and we both giggled.

A/n: idk how I feel about this one but it's definitely not proof read so comment if there is any mistakes and I will fix them!

Word count: 304

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