Doesnt even feel like a relationship anymore w.m

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(Yn's pov)
I haven't seen my girlfriend properly in around 2 months and it seemed to me that she didn't even care. Everyday she would be going somewhere with Vision, cancelling our dates to go out with Visin , cancelling dinners with my family to do something with Vision. Just basically going out with vision at any chance she got.

For example, yesterday, I was walking around the compound looking everywhere for my girlfriend until Tony had to tell me that she left with Vision. After that I sat in our bedroom and cried for hours, I thought she was cheating on me for sure. Why else would she not even bother to spend a second with me for the last 2 months. At least at the beginning of this she would actually tell me when she was leaving but everyday it would be the same 'I'm going out with Vision' 'I'll be back later, me and Vision are going to dinner' and I was just getting bored of it.

It was clear to me that she didn't want anything to do with this relationship and it makes me feel terrible about myself more than I already do, everyday I think to myself 'What have i done to
her?' 'Am I not good enough' 'does she not love me anymore?' And its horrible to think these things because I love her, I do, With all my heart but I don't know if she still feels the same about me.

Today was the day I was going to ask her, I sat on our bed and waited for her to get home which would most likely be at 2am but I didn't mind waiting, not today. She finally got home at 2:44 clearly had a few drinks but she wasn't drunk. "We need to talk, Wanda" I stated and she stopped with her little giggles. She sat down on the bed and tried to put her hand on my thigh before I moved away. She looked at me worriedly, it broke my heart to have to ask her this. "Do you still love me? Or do you want me out of your life?" I asked and she furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean, darling?" She asked "do you still love me?" I asked again and she looked confused. "Of course I love you, why would you think I don't?" She asked and I saw she looked worried.

"Do you know how long it's been since you even sat down with me, Wanda. Do you know how many dates you've cancelled for Vision, do you know how many nights I've been wondering if you were coming home to me or hooking up with Him, do you know how many times a day the avengers tell me I should leave you, have you seen the look on my family's faces when I told them you couldn't make it to dinner because you were out with some robot? Do you know how it makes me feel about myself when I begin to feel I'm not good enough for you?" I asked angrily and tears began to form In my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. I'm so stupid for not realising what I was doing to you. I do love you, I swear, I do. I don't know why I would do this to you. You don't know how much I love you and you deserve to know. I'm sorry I haven't been here to look after you or protect you but I swear I never meant to make you feel like this. I'm sorry that I'm the reason behind those tears in your eyes and I am SO SO SOO sorry I made you feel bad about yourself. Y/n, you're beautiful, smart, funny, kind, caring and I'm sorry I haven't been there to tell you that daily. I have no clue what's gotten into me but I swear I didn't mean it." She apologised but this isn't one of them movies where I can forgive her straight away, she will have to earn my trust back.

I got changed into some pyjamas and laid in bed, facing the wall away from her. She sighed and laid down next to me, "I made you some pasta from earlier, it's in the microwave. I wasn't sure you would be coming home tonight or not but it's in there if you want it." I said and she kissed my shoulder. "Thank you but I think I'd rather stay here with you, I'll eat tomorrow." She replied and spooned me into her arms from behind. "I love you Y/n, so much! You know i would never cheat on you baby, Goodnight my angel" she said and kissed my head. "I love you too Wanda" I whispered and we both fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and Wanda was gone, not a surprise if I'm being honest. I walked downstairs to the fresh smell of pancakes. I went into the kitchen to see Wanda at the stove, she was dancing to some music and I giggled. She turned around and held out her arms to me "heyy, good morning sleepy head!" She exclaimed and kissed my head. I sat down at the breakfast bar and she set out a plate for me with 3 pancakes with whipped cream, blueberries and strawberries.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed and kissed her lips this time and brought her in for a long hug.I think it took her by surprise because I think she thought she wouldn't be forgiven this quick but I loved her, I couldn't stay mad at her forever.

A/n: this is super cheesy but it's sorta long so yeah, I feel really Sick and I feel like crying because of it. Anyways, I might have covid again but idk. If I do get covid I'll tell u bc I might not be updating as much because last time it made me feel really shitty and idk if I want to write when I feel like that 😭😭 anyway... goodbye for now. I'll try upload some more but I can't promise you anything 💀

Word count: 1021

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