Full name e.o

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(Y/n's pov)
I felt like being evil today. I decided to call Lizzie by her full name since it scares the living hell out of her. She walked through the front door and went straight upstairs.

You were confused to why she didn't hug you but it would work better this way anyways. You crossed your arms and shouted "ELIZABETH CHASE OLSEN, GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!"

She immediately ran down the stairs and sat beside you. "What is it, did I do something wrong, did you not like the cupcakes I made, are you leaving me!??" She questioned with tears in her eyes.

"No, I'm not leaving you. I just want to know where my hugs and kisses are?" You said and a smirk grew on your face. "I hate you" she said and stretched her arms out for you but you backed away.

"You hate me do you?" You said and smirked. "No, no, no. Please hug me, I've had a really shitty day and I need a hug. I only went upstairs so I could change my clothes and run a bath for us!" She said and you giggled.

You brought her into your arms and she put her hands inside your shirt, on your stomach. "Mhm, your warm" she relaxes "and your cold!" You giggled and pecked her forehead.

"I love you. So much!" She says and moves her hands up to your bra. You pull them away and back away from the hug, holding her hands. "I would love to but your family is coming tomorrow and you want to be able to walk, right?" You questioned and she groaned.

"But I want youuu!" She whined "you can have me when your parents have left tomorrow!" You exclaimed and she groaned i response.

A/n: idk, you tell me?

Word count: 309

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