She finds your hidden tattoo e.o

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Background: You have been dating for 2 years and you have recently got engaged.

(Y/n's pov)
I woke up to my girlfriend planting tiny kisses on my hand. She made me so happy and brought out the best in me.

"Good morning, baby" I said kissing her temple

"Morning" she smiled and went to kiss behind my ear

She stopped. She saw it.

"What's this?" She asked tracing her finger over the ink

"It's a tattoo" I said sarcastically and she rolled her eyes

"I mean.. why does it say my name?" She asked and kissed my head

"Because I know I wanna spend forever with you and I love you" you said truthfully

"Stop it!! Your making me blush" she playfully hit your arm

"It's true!" I exclaimed and she smashed her lips onto mine

I hummed into the kiss and flipped her over so I was on top.

"I can't wait to marry you!" I said and kissed her forehead

A/n: I haven't posted in ages but here we are lol. I'm sorry for not uploading I've just been really focused on my Brie Larson book so- idk bye ig. I'll try post more!

Word count: 201

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