Testing Y/n's loyalty w.m

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(Wanda's pov)
I'm bored so today I'm gonna be testing Y/n's loyalty. I have hired an actor to ask her out and I'll see if
Y/n really is the dream girl.

Me and Lola (the actor) followed
Y/n into a coffee shop that she went into and I stood outside whilst placing a microphone on Lola's back.

She walked inside and she straight away walked to Y/n who was sat on her table, alone on her phone. Lola tapped Y/n's shoulder and she looked up to meet her eyes.

She smiled "Hello, what do you need?" Y/n asked still smiling. At this point I thought she was gonna let her sit down but I kept calm.

"I was wondering if I could buy you a drink?" Lola asked and Y/n looked down chuckling. "I would have loved that but right now I'm in a relationship and I'm not gonna do anything to hurt her. I'm so sorry though!" Y/n said and I had butterflies in my stomach

God, she was way to sweet for existence. "That's fine, if this relationship ends I'm here most days!" Lola smiled. "I don't think my relationship is ending anytime soon." Y/n said standing up.

She left the shop and she turned to me smiling, she ran to hug me and i hugged back really tight. She kissed my cheek and pulled away.

"Cutie" I said and pecked her lips "you set this up didn't you?" She asked and I giggled.

"At least you didn't let her buy you a coffee!" I said and giggled

"I would never, you mean too much to me!" She said before picking me up bridal style and began to walk back to the compound.

I screamed when she picked me up and Y/n laughed. "Don't laugh!" I said and hit her chest lightly.

"I'm sorry!" Y/n said and smirked

A/n: I can't be arsed to write anything right now so yea. If I don't post for a few days it's bc I'm either busy with homework or I'm grounded 🤠

Word count: 355

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