Sick e.o

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(Y/n's pov)
I had woken up to the sounds of quiet whimpers and groans coming from my girlfriend as she was holding her stomach in pain.

I quickly went down to her stomach and removed her hands before kissing her tummy and rubbing it gently. She sighed, free of pain but as I pulled away she grabbed at her stomach again and groaned.

I spooned her into me and kissed her cheek "are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked and she let out a few whimpers. "I feel so bad, darling. My stomach hurts and I have a really bad headache." She said and I wiped her tears with my thumb.

"You stay right here, I'll be back" I said before getting out of bed and getting ready to go out.

(Lizzie's pov)
Y/n had been gone hours and I was starting to get really worried since she left her phone here. I even called my mum to come over so I wasn't all by myself.

*time skip*
(Y/n's pov)
I rushed in the front door, I had been gone around 4 hours, running around town getting stuff to help Lizzie.

When I stepped inside I saw Lizzie crying Into her mums shoulder and I was really curious to why she was upset. I ran to Lizzie and bent down so I was the same level as her, I embraced her in a big hug and kissed her head multiple times before looking at her mum.

"Lizzie has been worried sick about you whilst you were out god knows where!" Her mum says and a tear falls down my cheek. "Actually I was out all day getting stuff for Lizzie to make her better." I said and kissed Elizabeth's hand.

I picked up the bags and pulled out a hot water bottle, a heated blanket, painkillers, antibiotics, movies, soaps for the bath, a new robe, a pregnancy test, a pillow with both our faces printed on it, a giant teddy bear and chocolates.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know-" jarnette said "it's fine" I reassured her. I kissed Lizzies hand before picking her up bridal style and laying her down on the couch with the heated blanket over her.

"Thank you" she says as I lay down behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. Jarnette sits down on the couch and turns on a movie for us all to watch but of course me and Lizzie fell asleep still with her In my arms.

A/n: not extremely relevant to the chapter title but I didn't know what else to put lmao

Word count: 438

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