Interruptions w.m

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(Y/n's pov)
Me and Wanda were having a full on make out session and we had been kissing for about 10 minutes, just sat on the bed with our hands on each other's cheeks.

Things were about to get a little heated until we heard a knock on the door. I pulled away and Wanda leaned in to kiss me again but Instead I stood up and opened the door.

I peeped my head around the door and behind it was Natasha, she looked happy. "Can I talk to you? I need some advice!?" She asked and I looked back at Wanda who was giving me a death stare.

"I would but I've got lots of work to get done." I lied and she nodded. She walked away and I quickly closed the door and launched myself back onto the bed.

"Where were we?" I asked and giggled before holding onto her cheeks again and kissing her passionately.

Wanda lifted her shirt over her head and we were about to kiss again but someone was at the door, AGAIN. I groaned and walked over to the door, peeping my head around it and saw Peter shaking.

"Are you okay Peter!?" I asked worriedly "no, I ate one of Thor's pop tarts and he's gonna kill me! Can I hide out in here?" Peter asked referring to mine and Wanda's bedroom

"No" I said before closing the door on his face. "If one more person walks through that door I swear-" Wanda threatened.

"Shush, it's fine. Just kiss me" I said before climbing onto her lap and making out with her again.

We were both now left in just underwear, bra and panties, you were sat on her lap still and you were kissing down her neck until you heard yet another knock.

"Ughh! People really need to stop knocking!" I said before putting on my robe. I opened the door and saw Thor. "What do you want?" I asked coldly "have you seen Peter?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Check Stark's room" I said and shut the door. I walked back to Wanda and said "I hate everyone here" I said which made Wanda giggle.

A/n: it's been a while, I'll upload more I promise!! I'll only focus on this book for a couple of days :)

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