Drunk e.o

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Elizabeth's pov:
It was Y/n's friends birthday so her and her friends obviously all went out drinking. I had gotten a call from Katie (Y/n's friend) that Y/n was extremely drunk and they needed me to come and pick her up incase she drank anymore. I got into my car and within 10 minutes I had arrived, I walked inside to see Y/n dancing on the counters with a bunch of guys. I walked towards her and took her hand gently, she pulled her hand away quickly.

"I have a girlfriend, she won't be happy when she finds out your over here trying to take me home!" She says in a slurred voice

"Your that drunk that you don't even remember me!?" I said playfully

"I don't know what you want with me but I have a girlfriend at home and I love her more than anything so just back away please!" She says in a serious tone

She jumps down from the counter.

"I'm gonna call my girlfriend and tell her about this! She won't be happy, trust me!" She added

She pulls out her phone and goes to the contact *Lizzie ❤️* she begins to call but she hears ringing in the distance.

"What are you doing with her phone!?"

I hold her arm, she recognised my touch and she immediately calms down.

"Baby!" She says excitedly and hugs me

"Cmon let's get you home" I reply

She gets into the car and begins to drift off to sleep. Once we get home I carry her up to bed and get her undressed and changed into shorts and a T-shirt. I kiss her forehead and lay behind her, holding her tightly.

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