At a Wedding e.o

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(Y/n's pov)
Me and Lizzie were at my mum and step-mums wedding. They had been together for like 2 years before they got engaged and my dad had found another woman after my parents got divorced.

Both of my step parents were amazing, they were always so nice to me and they accepted my sexuality and they always checked up on me and Lizzie.

Anyways, we were sat down together at a table, holding hands and I got dragged onto the dance floor by Lizzie. She hooped her arms around my neck and I placed mine gently on her waist.

We swayed to the music and she rested her head on my chest. I kissed her head before moving again. "I'm tired" she said after yawning. "Me too, we can go home if you want to darling?" I suggested but she shook her head.

"It's your mums' wedding, they would stay for ours. It's okay, I'll just nap on you again." She giggled that last bit and I chuckled at her. "Your laugh is so cute" I complimented her and she smiled into my chest.

She looked up at me and I pecked her nose before she scrunched it up, cutely. "When are we getting married?" I asked and she laughed.

"When you buy me a ring" she replied and I giggled. "Who says I'm getting you one, why don't you get me one?" I asked "Y/n, we all know that your the one wearing the pants in this relationship, If I propose you wouldn't like it. You want everything to be special just for me" she replied and I giggled nodding my head.

"That maybe the most true thing I've ever heard!" I whispered loud enough for her to hear. "Let's go sit back down, I'm tired" she began to walk but stopped and held out her hand.

"What's up?" I asked when I realised she stopped. "Hold my hand" she said in a cute voice and I took her hand in mine. She began to walk back to our table but looked back at me every few steps to make sure I was still there.

When we got to the table we sat down next to both my mums and Lizzie immediately straddled my lap. She wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head in the crook of my neck.

"Do you want me to order an Uber for you both?" My stepmum asked me and I shook my head "no it's fine, I can get one later when we leave." I said and smiled "looks like one of you is ready to go" she nodded her head towards Lizzie who was asleep on my lap.

I giggled and kissed her head whilst rubbing her back. My mum walked over and patted Lizzie's head "this one, she's a keeper" she said gesturing to Lizzie.

"I'm starting to think you like Lizzie more than me" I joked and she laughed "Maybe I do, maybe I don't" she laughed again. Lizzie was stirring awake and she groaned. "You ready to go, princess?" I asked and kissed her head. "Nooo, not yet!! It's your mums' wedding" she said and I giggled.

"It looks like your already falling asleep, darling" I said and she sighed "But I wanna see your muumms" she whined and I laughed. She got up and hugged my mums and then came back to sit on my lap.

I put some loose hair behind her ear and kissed her temple. "We can see them another time if your tired, it's fine, they won't mind" I assured her and she sighed "okay, let's go baby" she said and stood up holding out her arms.

"Seriously?" I raised my eyebrows and she nodded. "Fineee, just because I love you!" I said and picked her up. I walked to my mums and we said our goodbyes before getting in an Uber where Elizabeth fell asleep on me, AGAIN.

A/n: Quite a long one to make up for me not posting as much on this book, thank you so so so so so much for all the reads and I hope you are all having lovely days so far<3

Word count: 705

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