Family e.o

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You and Lizzie have a kid called Olivia and she is 2. She calls you mummy and Lizzie mama.

(Y/n's pov)
I was around 5 seconds away from falling asleep but of course it had to be disrupted. Olivia walked into the room with red puffy eyes and her small, pink blanket trailing along behind her.

I threw the blanket off of me (all falling into Lizzie) and ran and picked up Liv (her nickname). She began to cry some more into my shoulder and I patted her back, kissing her head.

Lizzie woke up after she was drowning in the blanket and she ran to me and Olivia straight away. "What's wrong?? Is she okay!??" She asked and I shushed her.

"I don't know, she came in crying and I need her to go back to sleep and then we can keep her in here with us, I'll ask her about it if she won't got to sleep." I told Lizzie and she nodded.

She took Olivia from my arms and caressed her arm before planting kisses across her forehead.

We got back In bed and Olivia finally went back to sleep on my chest and Lizzie's head was resting on my shoulder whilst her arm was around Liv. My hand was tracing patterns on Olivia's back whilst kissing Lizzie's head.

*time skip to the next morning*
(Lizzie's pov)
I woke up the next morning to both Y/n and Olivia gone. I was really worried at first until I heard cartoons and giggles coming from downstairs.

I went to the living room to the sight of Y/n making a small tower with Olivia using her blocks whilst the tv was playing cartoons.

My heart melted at the sight and the sound of Olivia's giggles. I went up behind Y/n and sat behind her with my arms around her waist.

"Hey baby" she said and kissed my head. "Have you two eaten?" I ask and Y/n replies "Liv has, I was waiting for you."

She kissed my hand and we walked to the kitchen and started breakfast whilst our daughter was watching tv and cuddling with her favourite doll.

A/n: I thought this one was cute but idk what you all will think to it. Thanks for all the reads and I hope you enjoy the rest of this book!<3

Word count: 400

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