Clingy w.m

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(Y/n's pov)
Lately Wanda has been very clingy, not that I mind but it's a lot compared to how she normally is. For the example, she follows me everywhere I go even if I'm going 2 seconds away, she is constantly giving me random, little kisses and hugs. We were sat down on the couch watching a movie with everyone and of course Wanda was clinging onto me, she was straddling me and her head was hidden in the crook of my neck. Soon I had realised that she had fallen asleep so being the amazing girlfriend I am, I took her up to our room and laid her on the bed. As soon as I let go of her, her eyes fluttered open.

"What are you doing?" She said in a raspy voice.

"Putting you in bed darling." I replied before kissing her head.

"Are you staying with me?" She asked.

"I might go back downstairs."I answered.

"I'll come with you."

"No" I laughed "you need some rest!"

"I want to be with you" she said.

"I'll be back upstairs before you know it wands."

"Please can you stay!?" She asked holding my wrist.

"Are you okay?" I said.

"What do you mean?"

"Lately, you've been.. a little clingy and I'm wondering if something is wrong." I replied.

"I'm sorry! Do you not like that" she asked worriedly.

"No, no! I like it I just thought something was up." I reassured her

I caressed her cheek and laid down behind her, wrapping my arms around her and before we knew it, we were asleep.

A/n: Hey! Sorry for not posting, I literally wrote this at 2am so sorry it's short!

Word count: 287

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