chapter 4

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I silenty ate the food while my dad explained how our house was small and low level for his Boss taste.

yes I agree that our house was not a big Mansion like their's , but it doesn't mean that you have to insult the place you lived in. Although considering me and my mother circumstances we were never living here , we were surviving.

I was eating little bites of food , not wanting to eat much .

When I heard my dad voice.

"So Mr. Nario what are you doing these days."

I shook my head a little as It made me think that , how silly it was to call an eighteen year old___ Mister , when the other man 'my father' was way older than him. Would I have to call him mister also. I thought to my self.

I looked up when Nario spoke , he was looking at my father as a grin was forming on his face.

"Nothing much Orlando , just killed a piece of shit's daughter who tried to frame me , but these days I am busy focusing on failing at school."

An akward laugh came from my father as Nario father coughed , while sipping water from glass.

I watched Nario in shock , sensing my eyes on him , he looked at me and grinned while twisting an handful of spaghetti in fork. I flushed and hurrly looked down at my plate.

Breaking the silence Mr.Armano spoke while putting the fork down.

"Orlando leave other things , let's talk about marriage plan shall we ? I want the ceremony after two weeks , it will be an grand event as all the capo and underbosses will attend it from other units .Are you okay with this arrangement."

My dad as always nodded his head , ignoring the words of Nario just spoke , killing a girl and failing school were no big deal for him.

Sometimes it makes me think that if he had a chance to bury me alive he would have done it , without any second thought.

"Yes , whatever you want boss. As my daughter won't grow back to her young age. "

he laughed then continue.

" So We will make her look the best bride ever seen and I will send her to the best Parlor for her makeup to make her presentable for your son."

I flinch at my dad words , how he could speak like that about me , if they wanted an young bride they should have found one. As if there wasn't enough young girls in unit , but real deal was__no one wanted to marry the margus , and only my dad was greedy enough to sold his own daughter as an little boy personal toy , but the thing was Nario Bonnazio is not a little boy , he is all___ man.

I looked up to my mother for comfort but she just like always shifted her eyes down. My eyes darted to Nario when he spoke.

"You don't need to do anything. All the arrangement will be done by our workers , and no need to fill her face with fake makeup , she is very beautiful....and she will wear want she wants and what I want her to wear or do."

His voice and eyes held authority making my father sweat. A blush formed on my cheeks by his words as I involuntarily touched my cheek.

"Yes of course , she will always obey you , you will right ? "

My father asked me as he wiped the sweat from his forehead and and looked at me waiting for my answer.

I could have easily said no __that I , a grown women will not obey like an trained pet to an eighteen year old. But I opened my mouth to say 'yes' only because of the threats my father made to beat my mom if I didn't behave .

Instead I don't know what snapped inside me , maybe it was his fear of these both men , that my father was being scared of my words. That it would led him to death bed. Defying him as I looked down.

"Only When he's right."

I heard a little chuckle from Nario as My father grabbed my hand under the table in threat and squeezed tightly . Threating that he will see me after , when our guest are gone.

People like my father , show dominance to women . Who are weak to stand a chance , my mother was broken soon after she was married off to father , and when I was born. He was very angry at mother for giving him a girl which was useless in his eyes , he never liked me , never talk or even played with me when I was little.

He along with his other habit's was busy in gambling , alcohol and drugs , increasing our financial problems more and more.

I still clearly remember the day when he told me that I was his golden bird. An money making scheme. On my sixteen birthday , informing me that I was promised to Benjamin Basio , the old lawyer who was way older than my own father. He sold me to him. I after getting a ton of beating along with my mother. Accepted it and met Benjamin.

I always shiver when I remember his words about my body. ′ How it will feel to be inside an sixteen year old '. Because If you think my father would have waited for me to grow of're very wrong.

Next time when I was promised.He was the underboss's bodyguard. He was twenty-six year older than me. He saw me at some party and approached my father..... I liked him a little as he was sweet and handsome also , not bald and fat or lusty like the other one , so I was a little okay being his wife.

But he was killed at the event , trying to save his underboss. Lucian Bonnazio, Nario Bonnazio's uncle , whom Nario killed.

I was there also , looking at my future-husband lifeless body , and for once I didn't thought that the boy who was grinning like an madman while his father was dragging him away....would become my husband one day.

The other time , I didn't even care that father was selling me off , I was mentally tired of everything , of his habit of beating us , blaming us for losing his money , keeping us locked in house ... but when the news of my third fiance dying went in circles , no one dared to ask my hand in marriage again.

They believed that my fate was cause of it. My father was very angry after that , he cursed , throw things on us and lock me and my mother in house. We weren't allowed to go anywhere until he found a new buyer which was an difficult task considering my age and our status.

After few years of sensing that there would be no chance of my marriage. I was okay with it , Busy in my own thoughts and routine , but my life didn't liked that I was okay. As once again my father sold me , and trust me not once back I thought that I was cursed when my future-husbands died , but now I think that my fate was doomed from the start as I am watching Nario , eating in front of me and making plans of our marriage.

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