Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


“You look calm son but it’s a good calm.” Father looked a little surprised as I got in car.

“I am trying to be.” I said calmly as I unbuttoned the suit coat with my left hand.

“Guess marrying her to you was a good decision.” Father teased , I shook my head with a frustrasted groan.

I knew he was step ahead in everything. He had always strucked those deals which gave him benefit. Just like my marriage. He doesn’t give a fuck about other godfather’s opinions but he still married me off because he just wanted full control on me through Milan. A naive and sweet girl was best option for me in his eyes. Because I wouldn’t had bear a snappy girl, so he bought the perfect submissive for me.

But in truth Milan was everything but submissive. She demanded respect , attention , care , and answers but most importantly she cared for everyone , a nature of her which her father use for himself. I grit my teeth as I remembered him. I will surely pay him a visit.

” Cali was worried for you but I stopped her to check on you as you were busy last night.” He scrolls on his phone with a little lopsided smile plastred on his lips.

“I ’ill check on her when we return from the meeting. ” I narrow my eyes as he dipped his chin and again scroll his phone.

“I have noticed you’re using phone alot these days father ? I hope there’s not a new scheme brewing in your mind.” He stopped his scrolling and then puts his phone in his pocket.

“Nothing is brewing Nario. I was messaging jasper for the taps on vernamo and your mother. It’s hitting me that both escaped very clevery from Units clutches.” I grimace thinking about both of them. Soon I’ill find her and him also just to prove these old man that I am way fucking fast from them. Thinking about the godfather’s my jaw clenched as I remembered him.

“Is Satanio Valenti going to be there ? ” I asked with a sour expression and Father shook his head at my words. “Yes because he’s a godfather so deal with it.”

My jaw clenched more as That man was the main reason I couldn’t kill mother. He made an huge hovac on it , because it was forbidden to kill parents in unit. Eventhough they had kill their’s silently with poisons but nobody dared to try killing them in public like me.


We arrived at the underground gateway casino which was owned by all the Five Families. It had every illegal bussiness expect from prostitution. Or likely say forced prostitution because it was stopped when Bantivi crime family new godfather took place , whom was a woman.

“Welcome Godfather Bonnazio and Mr.Bonnazio. They have already arrived a few seconds ago please proceed in.” The old door man with white hair greeted us and we both gave him a polite nod . He was an old man but don’t fall for his age , he except from godfather’s , guts everyfucker who enters the table office without permission.

Entering the big room as all the godfather’s came in our view. They all were already seated around the round table as the NY view sparked on them because of glass windows. My father greeted them by nodding his head as he sits on the side seat beside godfather oman. And I stood beside him as his guard not son. Just like the other son’s were standing by the side of their parents.

“I hope everyone is doing okay... and my deepest apologies for this sudden meeting ” My father spoke with his strong tone and I smirk mentally as I knew his apologizing gratitution was not from his heart.

“We are fine and You haven’t changed a one bit Bonnazio , cunning as always. You called us suddenly and slapped your deepest apology on our faces so that we can’t disagree for a. meeting. ” Ari Bantivi spoke with a smirk on her face. Listening to her strong tone , a grin was formed on my father’s face. Her son Lucas bantivi nods his head in my direction as I do the same. He was like me standing beside her as her guard.

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