chapter 23

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Chapter 23


There was an terrible silence in the whole house. I was waiting for Nario as I and Emilia were sitting in the living room when Mr.Bonnazio along with Enzo and Leo came in. Mr.Bonnazio had an worried expression on his face.

I watched his face closely as a weird feeling started to form in my stomach. We all have been waiting for Nario but he didn't arrived on time and his phone was turned off. After few hours they tried cali's phone but it was also turned off.

I look up as I hear the sound of fast foot steps. A man with few silver hair came in the living area. He stopped close to Mr.Bonnazio and whispered something.

Mr.Bonnazio expression got tense as Enzo eyes widen.

"Then what are you waiting for! , go get the doctor now . Hurry!" He shouted as the man nodded his head.

"No need to shout dad."

I heard Nario's strong voice as I sigh in relief , but it vanished soon as I saw his face. He was covered in blood and half of his face was in black smoke. His hair were a mess. My eyes darted toward cali , and her situation was the same. Her new dyed blonde hair were black and red. Her face was sticky and black. I look at him but he ignores me and when I try to move toward him.

Mr.Armano voice makes me froze on my spot.

"Fucking hell Nario!! You need medical checkup. Rafe get the doctor right now."

Mr. Bonnazio shouted at the man who ran fastly to get the doctor. Armano expression seem worried as he went toward his son.

"Are you both okay...I can't believe that she escaped.. I should've gone with you." He said.

"Not now dad. " Nario grits his teeth.

"God you both look like as you came from the Elm street." Enzo spoke and grins beside me as Emilia laughs out loud and I in all of this just stood like a statue.

"You both look like side characters of bloody slaughter movie. So bloody and smelly." Emilia grins as Cali shooks her head in disbelief.

"I should have threaten her instead of you." She says as she looks at Nario and he grins in return.

"What threat ?" Emilia asks as she rise her brows.

"The same threat she gives us when she lose." Enzo grins and continues. "Everytimes She loses, she shoots in the man's dick to scare us when we win a challenge from her."

Emilia lips forms in "O" shape

"Too bad Cali I don't have a baby dick like Enzo." Emilia laughs as Enzo rise his brow in mocking.

"You will worship it when you see my monster cock." He mocks and grin. Leo stills beside him as his eyes widen on his comment.

"She's my Aunt ." Nario grins with a warning.

"But not mine." Enzo said and gave him a shark grin.

"People am still here and No I have my own collection of toys." Emilia huffs .

"But mine is more bigger right Nario. You saw it when we tried threesome."

Armano eyes widen at both of them. " should have shooted their dicks Cali." He says as he looks at both of Enzo and Nario.

Cali grins wickedly at him as she speaks. "I tried but both of them begged me not to do it."

"LIAR." Both Enzo and Nario snarled at her.

"Anyway tell me about the attack. I want to know everything." Armano said and My eyes widen as Nario and cali start to tell about the attack. Every thing from A to Z.

I felt so horrible while watching him like that and listening about the attack. How many people fired on them. What if he , had died there. I would'nt had bear it , if I had lost him. No matter what he says to me , I just can't imagine him dying.

"We'ill go and check the area again and Nario I think you should stay at home for medical checkup." Armano said as rubs his temple and Nario forms a frustrasted face.

"No , I will go with all of you to check on the scene. " I look at him as he snarled in loud voice.

Maid Edia and Rafe enters with a old man. "Good to see you Godfather." Old man greets him as he bow his head for him.

Armano sighed and looked at the man. "Thank you Sami. " then he speaks with Maid Edia.

"Maid Edia , please take Cali to my wing and let the doctor check her first."

Listening to his words maid Edia's face was formed in a shock expression.

"Your wing ?" She asks.

"Yes , my wing." He snaps at her and she fastly nods her head. Main while Cali grabs his arm and looks up to him

. "He's is a good doctor and I'ill be there in a minute." He said as he patted her head and gestured her to follow Maid Edia. When she is out of the view , Mr.Bonnazio snaps at Nario.

"What the hell! Do You have any idea how worried I was. Both of you were missing for a week. No phone call , No message. And see what your reckless behaviour did." He sighed and then shifts to his calm tone.

" If I had knew of your whereabouts both of you would've been safe. This attack only happened cause they must've knew that , you both were alone there."

"God this man." Emilia huffs and earns a glare from him.

Nario walks ahead , ignoring him as he sits on the couch. He drinks the water from the cup and grins. My brows frow in confusion as I look up to Enzo , Who tilt his head to side and then opens his mouth to speak. "Nario , you okay ?" Enzo asked him in concern tone.

"Absolutely perfect." Nario said but he wasn't looking perfect to me. I stare at him and after few motivative words to myself , I walked towards him but he ignored me again and spoke without looking at his father.

"Father she escaped with the help of the guard and house keeper . Both are dead and I am going with you to check on the housekeeper house again. I don't care about anything. I just want my things back. So if you ever considered me as your son let me join you and don't force me for a check up."

Armano sighed in defeat as walked towards him and pats his head.

"As you wish son." He said and moved towards his wing area.

"We will go there. But first freshen up a bit. " Enzo said and Emilia agrees. "Yes Nario go relax for few minutes."

He nods while ignoring my presence. Then he got up from the couch and moved toward the stairs as I followed behind him.


OMG OMG OMG 2K views thank you so much all. am back and so happy to update two chapters of nario yaaay. but please readers comment your thoughts. I would really like to know your thoughts in comments, it helps me alot to get review about my story so comment please and don't forget to vote

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