Chapter 42

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Chapter 42


If you are a strength full family , there is only thing you need to do. SHOW YOUR MONEY.

And this party is the basic point of showing your wealth and power. Milan and I had almost met with everyone in the party , from senators to the political persons and godfathers. And from the look of my wife face she was exhausted and all I wanted to do was take her home and keep her to myself.

After the threat message which I for 100 percent sure , is from mother. I wanted to take her home and keep her there. I , without the knowlegde of Milan increased her security. Well nothing bad had really happened and I hope it stays that way.

“Nario Bonnazio. So good to you see you man.” I tighten my grip on her waist as Marcus Valenti spoke while coming toward me. There was also a little kid with him not in height though. Her height was nearly to her brother and me as she only looked 14 year old. Her dark black hair with light green eyes were not like italian. She looked the mixture of desi and italian.

“Marcus Valenti , the pleasure is same to meet you. ” Marcus gave a professional smile as I did the same.

“Meet my kid sister K.J , she was little when met her first time...and that must be Mrs.Bonnazio.” He pointed at the heighted girl with short shoulder hair , whom I now remember but something was changed in her.

Marcus , with the most professional smile looked at Milan.

“The one and only.” I said and Milan smiled at me.

She didn’t needed to be quiet beside me as other liked to do with their wifes. Still Milan remained quiet and stood straight, making all of the people believe that Nario was a monster to his own wife also , on which I was thankful as people doesn’t need to know that my one and only weakness is Her.

From the look on Marcus face , I knew he wanted to talk about something but was holding back for some reason.

“Milan!! There you are. Come here ladies want to meet you.” Emilia said as she came toward her and Milan looked up to me. I nodded my head as Cali will be with her to protect and stop the mouth of other bitches. I follow her with my eyes as Milan walked toward the Corner where all the ladies talked. Sarah Valenti was also standing there and when she saw my wife , a genuine smile formed on her face.

“Nario , dabby called me.” Marcus gained my attention as I turned my face.

“What did he said ?”

“Dabby has checked every record but nothing described your mother features. It looks like she just vanished. ” Marcus said and puts his hands in pockets.

I pressed my lips and grimace. Dabby was indeed the best hacker but he was a rough. Nobody had seen him but the rumors say he is only 15 and dabby (the lame name) is his hacker name. If a hacker like dabby can’t find her then it will be difficult for me whose not even a hacker.

“What does that mean ?” I asked.

“It means your’re barking at the wrong tree.”

My eyes widen as the most strongful voice spoke. K.J the heighted kid folded her arms as her green leather jacket tighten on her arms. She looked strong as if she trained with her brother or maybe she does. Everyone knows K.J story. When I firstly saw her she was a little kid with brown eyes but she turned into something else. In short if my guess is right a invisible secret kill machine.

Marcus grinned at his sister boldness. I frown at her as I folded my arms.

“And can you explain miss.” She smiled wickedly as my whole body shivered and it was confusing for me.

“It means the person you are finding is not at the places you’re barking at.”

She moves forward as her black boots cluck.

“When was the last time you saw her...your mother.”

I frown more and Marcus turned his powerful protective mode. He was a person who will gut me publicily if I possed any threat to his siblings.

“Long ago. ”

She shurgged. “Fine..I know , No wait everyone knows she was in malay and escaped and how you won blah blah.”

She rised her brow as she moved forward.

“So let me explain you clearly. For units to buy properties outside the countries is easy but in asian countries there are difficulties. Sort of passport , doc , visa , nationality card etc. And why the hell your father would give your bitch ma , a guard and housekeeper in malay.”

She spoke with a wicked grace and My whole body tensed as well as Marcus who shockingly looked at her.

“What...are you refering to?” Marcus asked and she grinned wickedly as a green shine form in her eyes. It was of pure....EVIL.

“Sometimes things are close to you , under your feets to crush and bleed.” Her voice had pure Evil form of string. Not like my innocent Milan.

Her green eyes were the purest form of green and in them there was no hint of submission. She was an alpha who demanded submission from other and from the looked of her face I knew what Satanio created this time was pure form of....EVIL.


Rumors were that satanio had removed her original eyes because it reminded him of someone.

“Excuse me Nario...I guess you got your anwers as I need to talk to her.” Marcus said as he took his sister away from there.

I swallowed as I remembered all the of the events that occured. Of course why would my father send her to malay. Father nearly killed my uncle but grandpa stopped him because Franco bonnazio belief showed that a man was strong my facing his enemies. Father tried his best to protect me....and in this effort he even tried to protect me from myself. father I can’t believe after all this time you came step ahead of me.

I gritted my teeth as I clenched my fist. She....the main reason of my ruination was here all along. But when Vernamo escaped he took her with him. Thats why father was so angry and frustated. The stolen things were not drugs or deals or snitching.

It was mother.

“Nario...hey..Nario. Look at me.” I broke from my anger haze as Milan soft hands touched my cheek.

“Where is father!” I growled harshly and she gulped but still moved forward.

“Let’s go home okay. Take a deep breath and don’t cause a scene here.”

She didn’t knew why I was angry but still her voice and hands were on me. Trying best to make me calm.

“Milan..” I gritted my teeth as I tried to look away. How can he make a fool out of myself.

“Please for me....Please.” She pleaded.

‘Let’s take her home.’


′ Take her home.′


I sighed deeply as I glanced back. My eyes widen as K.J looked directly at me with a Evil glint in her eyes.
*I own your ass a one* her eyes spoke and I gave her a terse nod.

I was in her debt and I will pay it when she will need it.

Lord save us from her. I don’t know what she will do at older age.

“Let’s go home.” I said as Milan nodded.

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