Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


Calm Anger. It was the only feeling I had right now. Anger at myself. Anger at everyfucking person who was with me right now. I was angry as I had lost everything. I had lost my bag. I had lost her clothes. I had lost my mother's track. But most importantly I had lost my wish. All because I was a pussy as I wanted to go back alive to her. I would've easily got my bag without caring about my life but then Milan came in my mind and I didn't took the risk. And instead of ignoring or getting angry at her I had lick her feets. Which I enjoyed. Afterall of this , I licked her feets like a fool , entirely forgetting about my revenge all because of her.

Well If I hadn't distracted myself back then , My second urge would've have won which adviced to hurt her. My jaw clenched at the memory.

'This will be amazing.'

This will be.

I lighted another cigarette and took a long drag While I searched , and watched every other one searching for any clue so they could find the bitch and fuckers who attacked us. I look at their exhuasted faces and smirk as I knew nothing will be here now. Mother had escaped. Those fuckers had escaped and Nario had failed for the first time because he wanted to sniff his doe-eyed pussy again .

My jaw clenched in anger as I looked at this baren house.

Father sighs and looks around and then speaks.

"Nothing has remaind here. It's only an fired up structure." His muses nods their heads and stopped to search around.

"Enzo go home son and all of you people can leave also." Enzo nods and walks toward me.

"Man right now you look like cheap version of pinky blinters. Stop smoking too much." Enzo jokes as he pat my shoulder and I smirk at him.

We've been searching this empty structure for the past few hours. But found nothing. No clues. No bags. No hints. Only ash. Fired up house. The Whole house was fired up along with my bag.

"Nario let's head home. I 'ill arrange a meeting tomorrow and we'ill discuss this whole matter. And I promise you son. You will kill that bitch. I 'ill bring her to you." Father speaks in his strong tone as I nod my head. But I knew one thing for sure that I won't make the same mistake again.

I am Nario Bonnazio and I' ill find that bitch on my own. But first I have to meet my doe-eyed and thank her for these feelings.


I entered the room and slammed the door shut. Milan got up from the bed as she saw me storming in.

"Nario ? Is everything okay ?" She asked.

"Did you waited for me ?" I tightly spoke as I took off my jacket and pants. I was the verge of frustrastion at myself.

"Y-yea I was worried." She smiles and I grin. Yes fucking that smile flashed in front of me when I tried to reach my bag again. So fucking manipulating and innocently cunning. That I want to crush her because of it. If she wasn't in my life I would've done everything to get my revenge. I wouldn't have to care about her life.

Because If I had died she'ill be homeless and her father would've sold her again, to someone way older than her. Cause if you think these Mafiaeso would've left her alone because she would be a widow. You're thinking wrong. They would've married her off to someone else and I can't imagine anyone touching my Milan. She was mine from my the first moment I saw her. She was my obsession from the first moment I saw her there.

'Then be her dog like you want to be.'

No. I told myself or him.

′ Fine then kill her. She was the reason you're like this. A defeated animal who choose her instead of his revenge. You will die with regrets just like your grandpa. You have lost Nario , you have lost your wish to kill mother in those clothes.′

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