chapter 3

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Chapter 3


"Don't you think this dress is too young for my age mother ?" I asked my mother fourth time this question as I looked in mirror again. I was wearing an cream colour dress with pom pom at bottom which reached my knees. It looked great on me as it matched my brown hair and fair skin but I thought this was younger from my age.

so I was asking mama again and again but she like before replied in same words.

"You need to look young sweety."

Right , young __which I wasn't in the eyes of mafia. I was not some twenty year old girl they were trying to make me , I was thirty and it showed clearly but today I was getting doll up because ' Finally someone asked for old goods ′ in my dad words , meaning finally someone asked for my hand in marriage.

Everyone liked the young supple girls for marriage in mafia , I was promised , at young age to a man 40 years my senior but he died before marriage. Next time when I was promised my husband-to-be died at firing and 3 years ago when I was promised, the man died because of over drug dose. Everyone blamed me for their deaths , even though I didn't got the chance to know them. No one saw that one was drug addict , one was bodyguard and other was way older.

But instead I was blamed.

Last night when father came in my room inform me that boss Armano asked him my hand in marriage for his son and loaded my father with money so he will keep his lips close. I refused to accept it and earned a slap from him , bonus with the threat to be sold as someone mistress.

And he also threaten to kick out my mother. Thus here I was getting ready for my future buyer_ husband to see me.

Taking a deep breath , I turn my head toward my mother. She didn't meet my eyes as we both knew how dad was a greedy dog for money and status.

"Mother , am scared ."

A tear slide from my eye because I knew the reputation of Nario Bonnazio and trust me it wasn't good. Hell I saw him going to asylum the day when he killed his uncle and tried to kill his mother , everyone was there at their house in that big event which was turned into blood war .After that day he was sent to mental hospital. A shudder came in my body as I remembered him. He was a little kid back then but his blue and brown eye's didn't held any kind of kid's innocence.

Sighing my mother looked at me. Her eyes had all the pity a helpless mother could give to her child.

"Nothing is going to happen , Mr.Armano gave us his assurance and honey you're an grown women , what an eighteen year old would do to scare you?"

I forced a smile because we both knew these words were useless as the same eighteen year old is an ruthless killer , a 18 year old who doesn't care about gender while torturing. A man in boy whose eyes still haunt me was going to be my husband.

The bell rang suddenly as I flinch thinking that they are here.

"Looks like they have arrived , come honey let' s go now or your father will be very angry."

I nodded and followed her down stairs.

"welcome. Come in boss it's good to see you and how are you doing Mr.Nario."

I heard father greeting them as I stopped by the stairs , exhaling a deep breath I moved forward and saw two men going in the living area. One was the Boss Armano Bonnazio and other was his son Nario Bonnazio. Both were heighted and had muscles that it was showing from their suits.

I walked in the living area as both our guest were sitting there.

my father noticed me and spoke.

"Honey come here , greet your husband and your father-in-law law." 

And like a good little trained pet I was , I walked a little ahead and spoke politely.

"It's pleasure to meet you both."

Nario shook his head in nod as his father spoke.

"It's good to meet you too Milan , how are you ."

"I am fine." I smile and spoke as my father gestured me to sit with him.

After few minute's of sitting by my father side as he was trying his best to flutter his boss by words.

I heard my mom voice.

"Orlando , lunch is ready please bring the guest's to dinning table." Mother spoke from the side as she wasn't allowed to meet any guest.

Too uneducated in my father eyes just like he thought about me , as I didn't go to college for more education and the reason was also him. But today I was allowed to meet them as I was the piece were buying.

father got up from the couch and gestured Mr.Armano to the dinning area as he nodded his head and followed my father.

I also got up to join them as well as Nario did too.

He walked passed me his strong cologen filling my nose, it was all manly and good like high class expensive leather and rose.

Well how did you like this chapter I hope you like it please comment and like and give review as I will return the favor too.

please comment ,like and share and don't forget to vote. next chapters ( as i update 3 chapters) . 

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