Chapter 31

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Chapter 31



“Nario Bonnazio what’s the meaning of this.” Father snapped at me as he throwed my phone in my lap.

I picked up the cell and noticed that , he also had invaded my search history.

“Get up from the sofa and explain. Why the hell are you searching the ways of SUICIDE ?” He snarled and I shurg.

“What’s the meaning of this Armano , leaving the party down there just to uselessly snap at Nario.” Franco grandpa calmly scolded father. He was sitting in his wheelchair and his guard leonardo was standing beside him.

“Father, my 12 year old son searches about the ways of suicide and you still care about party. ” father rised his brow as he spoke while gritting his teeth.

Grandpa smirk at him. “He’s more smarter than you. I’m sure something is brewing in his little head.”

I return his grin and stood up from couch.

“I was just researching so when I’ill kill Meria it must pose like an suicide. ”

Grandpa gestured his hand at me with a grin on his wrinkled face.

“That’s my boy so smart and cunning . Now son go down and enjoy the party. I have some important matter to discuss with your father.”

I smirk and nod my head.

“Nario Bonnazio I am warning you if I saw such things again. I’ill snatch everything from you.” Father warned and I stopped in my tracks.

“There’s nothing remained to be snatched from me but I adivce stay away from my phone otherwise there’s so many things to be snatched from you. ” I coldly said as I move out but I heard grandpa laughing evilly behind me.

“My sweet boy what are you doing alone here ?” She asked in her soft tone as I grit my teeth.

“Am surprised you aren’t sniffing around your puppet master.” I snapped at her and a evil glint form in her eye. Her eyes were same as me but her hair was blond.

“Nario honey you know mama loves you if you accept it we’ill be so happy all together.” She coaxed in her soft tone which she always used to manipulate me but her eyes were in the verge of explosion.

I growled at her as she tries to touch me. “You fucking woman stay away from me or I’ill hit you again but this time in front of a whole crowd.” I warned and turned to walk away.

“Stupid child.”

I heard her behind me as I fastly walked away.

My whole body shuddered at her words. How can I accept it . Do I look like a fool. A mother’s duty was to protect their childern , not to throw them in front of predators. How can she think about it. How can she!!!

I move away from the whole crowd , they were suffocating me and making the storm bad and bad. I was alone in the storm , alone surffering the slaps of wind and rain.

′ I am with you and always will be. '

I know.

I stopped near the wine table and breathe slowly. I don’t know why grandpa is not allwoing me to kill Lucian my uncle. I don’t know why grandpa is not allowing me to kill Meria , my mother . Hell I hate her name. I hate everyfucking body who makes my storm more.

“You okay boy ?”

My whole boy froze at a soft voice. I frown as I looked up. Big brown eyes came in my view. Her pure white skin was so beautiful that my tan skin looked more darker because of her softness. she was so tiny that I at 12 year old was near her height.

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