chapter 35

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Chapter 35


I sighed as he didn't replied to me on my last message or any message. Talking with Enzo gave me a little courage to message him and pour out all my feelings in it , But sadly he didn't reply. I felt like an idiot , like so much childish. It was true that when I slapped him , I didn't do it because he had stalked me or killed anyone. I slapped him as I felt a sudden jealously and insecurity, I slapped him thinking about the whore he'ill touch.

I felt so rage, after all of stalking and knowing everything about me he behaved like a bastard and used so many harsh words. I felt rage that after so many days of our marriage , he still slept on the couch. I was anger I miss him I want his presence so I slept on couch to engrave his scent in me. I inhaled his pillow as the sleep softly touched my eyes. My eyes shot opened suddenly as I got up fastly to find Nario. I looked around but the room was empty and the bed sheets were just like before. Which meant he didn't came home.

I sighed heavily in disappointment. I also had a headache because of lack of sleep so I really need a cup of tea. I got up and went down without even bothering to change my green cashmere sweater and skin colour pants. I didn't even washed my face. It was really early in the morning so there were no maids right now in the kitchen. Thus I had to made tea myself which wasn't a difficult task as I had always had cooked at home. I took out the cattle to boil the water in it and put it on the stove. While the water was boiling on stove. I looked around the kitchen and sighed again.

I was in pain mentally and physically. So to distract my mind I observed the kitchen , it was really modern I mean the whole house was classic but the kitchen was white in modern. I opened few cupboards and sliders , it had all variety of pots. There also was a huge knife holder stand beside the fridge.

"Look whose here."

I snapped my eyes to the unwanted voice and frown as Leo grinned at me. He had a sling around his arm and looked so rough.

"Milan what are you doing here." His tone wasn't formal , and I moved back as he looked at my whole body.

"It's my house...and you can see what am doing" I said harshly and shuggered. Next to ignore him I opened the fridge door so he watching me busy would go away but he didn't.

"No bitch it's your husband house who is not satisfying you much."

I frozed at his words and the milk carton which I had in my hand dropped down.

"I think how he felt when he watched your videos. How you betrayed him and gave loads of cash to your father."

My mouth opened at his words and I gulped. No Milan don't show him fear.



I straighted up and watched the milk flowing down on the floor , touching his feet as I slowly look up to him. I gasped as I saw lust and anger on his face. He looked A true form of hurtful predator.

"W-what." I whispered in fear and he laughed loud.

"I have all proof of your betrayal. And of course I added few lies too. So cunt if you want to live, suck my cock and be my bitch otherwise I can force you too.I already had send him the proof and now I will send him your cock sucking video."

I shuddered at his words and back away as he moved forward.

"What I did to you ?" I asked and glanced from the corner of my eyes to find something to hit him.

"Oh...cunt you didn't but your husband did. He fucking broke my arm because I watched you. He with his bitch friends kicked my dick again and again just because I talked to you. So now you will suck it."

So that's why he wasn't coming to guard me and also had a sling around his arm. I gasped as he moved more close and I went on the fight mode. I can't let another man hurt me. No one is allowed to touch me without my permission. The only touch I want is of Nario.

I moved beside the fridge fast and grabbed the sharp knife from the stand. I pointed the knife in front of him and he laughed. "A knife can't save you."

"GO AWAY !!!." I shouted on my whole lungs so someone would hear me but no one came.

"No one is here. Do I look like a fool. I came because I knew you will be all alone."

"Stay away ." I snarled but he moved fast and grabbed my hand. Making the knife fall down , I screamed more and more but nothing happened , no one came for me. Leo laughed and shoved me back in fridge , I struggled as it will be my last breath. I fighted and sratched my nails at him. He grunted as I sratched his cheek.

"You will regret it bitch. I will rip you apart." He pushed me hard in the fridge door as it rattled and The air went out of my lungs but I grit my teeth and tried to kick his dick hard but it didn't happened as he grabbed my leg and shoved it down hard. He smiled as he move his hand to touch my breast and I screamed on top of my lungs and closed my eyes. He without the sport of one arm was still powerful from me. I gritted my teeth hard as I struggled to free myself.

Nario. I chanted as a tears slide down and suddenly my body was freed. My eyes shot opened by the scream as I watched leo being dragged back by Nario.

"YOU FUCKER , HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER." Nario shouted as the vein in his temple was pumping hard. He grabbed leo's face and shoved him hard on the firing stove as the boiling water fell down , making the few drops of hot water fall on Nario's arm.

My legs gave out as I fall back on floor and watched them with a stone cold face. I watched leo's screaming as his face was buring from fire. I watched as for the first time I saw my husband's monster coming out. I watched as Nario throw Leo's half dead body on floor and punched his burned face again and again. I watched Nario who easily punched and burned a man older than him. I watched him torture a man...for me.

"She's mine. Nobody can touch her. I broke your arm and dick to warn you. I should' ve broken your neck you son of a bitch!!!!" Nario growled.

I heard someone coming in the kitchen fastly.

"Oh shit...shit. Cali go to Milan." It was Enzo's voice and I heard foot steps toward me but I didn't look up. I was numb and scared. I was in a time space where I was in a beautiful garden.

I was surrounded by many flowers. It was an escape from reality as I always used it whenever father beated me. But this time I wasn't alone in my head space. I was with someone.. I was lying on his chest as he was holding me. Many flowers surrounded us , the spring wind was blowing loudly as the spring sun was shining on us. He was patting my head lovingly. He was twirlling my hair lovingly. So to see his face , I looked up to him and saw.... Nario. He looked at me and smiled brightly as I did the same.

He was My one and only protector. So I broked the haze of illusion because this time my protector was real.

"Milan..." cali said softly as I watched my husband still punching leo.

"She's mine." He growled as he punched.

"She's mine."

Enzo moves toward him and pats his shoulder , speaking softly "Nario he's him..go to your wife."

I was a little numb and silent. I was scared. I could hear cali whispering soft words. I could feel her touching my hair but I sat numb there. As I again remembered him coming close to me. He was so close to me. He...he tried to hurt me. He called me names.

"Take care of this shit and I'ill take her up." I hear Nario's voice and felt him close to me. He lifted me up and carried me like a child. I felt as the blood rushed my whole body so I clinged to his waist like a monkey. I felt my pee dripping from my pants. I felt so fool... ....and happy. I felt happy that my husband without any care about my pee dripping to his pants carried me and took me to our room. I was in three state numbness , happiness and numbness. I couldn't believe that someone finally came to save me. I couldn't believe that finally I , for the first time was saved from people's cruelity.

Aww my poor Milan.
OMG thank you for the health wishes and am fine now. I can believe my story has 8k views and that's because of you readers thank you so much.

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